
social media worksheets for highschool students

Participants follow and record their observations of... Get social! Using lesson four from a 16-part series, The Social Media Toolbox, learners study surveys and create their own. The flipside is that social media can be a hub for things like cyberbullying and questionable activities. Then, this lesson is for you! Scholars dive into the topic with a video on digital media. • Ask students if they have any questions about what bullying is or what cyberbullying is. After reading, they complete a 3-2-1 data chart with information they learned from the text and... Help young learners become active listeners and strong public speakers with a set of activities that range from paraphrasing, to discussions, and self-reflection. Reinforce reading comprehension strategies and gain insight into cyberbullying with a activity that offers a brief informational text about a 13-year old girl's online experience and tips for handling cyberbullies. The resource covers Snapchat's features and privacy settings. Here are some fun worksheets for reviewing grammar, spelling, and punctuation with high school students (the subject matter is inappropriate for grade school). This is where teaching media literacy comes in. Internet trolls. The idea of using social media seems to make many educators a little nervous. Included here are all of the requirements as well as additional materials to support the project process. John Green's Crash Course on Navigating Digital Information provides 21st-century learners with the skills they need to help them evaluate the... Do your high schoolers have their own online ethics code? Tired of seeing u instead of you and 2 instead of too? When faced with a dilemma, how do journalists decide how much news to use? Then, the class engages in a debate and answers questions as one... "It's not what you know, it's who you know." In this exercise, students must think … Social media worksheets to provide students with great writing activities that also link to the common core language curriculum. I have my students monitor the conversation around our communication department. Scholars create social media pages that provide facts about world hunger, a call to action, and updates on goals met.Â. ... Middle school and high school students learn what it takes to film and produce videos. Save time lesson planning by exploring our library of educator reviews to over 550,000 open educational resources (OER). Ready to make a cause go viral? Get on LinkedIn. There's a lot of social media out there, but we'll make our own. Create a display of social media use for a class. Young journalists dig deep into the social media question in the second of 16 lessons from The Social Media Toolbox. Groups follow a story for a... Survey says ... social media is here to stay! Explore current events through multiple lenses by comparing social media coverage with a national news article. They will really "connect" with this fun "All About Me" worksheet. Use blogs to inspire your class to craft a well-written, thoughtful response to a prompt you give. Use a graphic organizer to have them list the names of websites and corresponding passwords. Identify and diagram the literary elements (e.g., setting, characters, conflict, etc.) What has changed is the role of social media in these issues. Students examine 21st century learning tools. NHES Standard 6.5.2 – Identify resources to assist in achieving a … Begin by giving learners a quiz, then lead a discussion based on the issues the quiz brought up. Interviewing skills are important, even outside of a news reporter's desk or employer's office. They are fun for high school kids because the teens are in tune with the slang and abbreviations. They learn about the effects of being... Be the solution to the problems you see in the world! Students explore social networking in today's world. What's the best way to exercise click restraint, or self-control, when encountering new information online? Guide them as they explore their moral compass of social media and internet activity. Students are asked to properly rewrite each post. Pupils explore the topic using the eighth video from the digital media literacy playlist. A short digital citizenship video from an extensive playlist reviews the popular app and describes its advantages and disadvantages. Introduce pupils to a popular social media app with a short video from an extensive digital citizenship series. Groups collaborate to create a source... Why do people spend so much time on social networking websites? As the world becomes increasingly digital, one can't help but wonder if it's possible to be too connected? Educators earn digital badges that certify knowledge, skill, and experience. But what are the dangers of releasing personal information on the Internet? They discover the value in showing empathy for those who have been cyberbullied. When you're putting together a great story, you've got to consider the source! Many students enjoy participating in sports, music, school plays, robotics and a variety of other activities. Engage students in sharing about themselves with this social-media-inspired student interest survey. CareerBuilder offers this basic advice: Take down any inappropriate pictures. Transitioning between the end of summer vacation and the beginning of the school year doesn't have to be a drag! Sexual harassment and sexual violence are by no means new issues. Interested in taking your students into the world of blogging, but worried about the inherent risks that entails? Psychological scholars explore the tricks our brains sometimes play when presented with new information during a video in a Crash Course series discussing media literacy. The class uses the included worksheet and game cards to rewrite sentences that are written as if they were tweeted on a... What does it mean to have digital citizenship? The activity demonstrates smart privacy settings and promotes good digital citizenship. Pupils prepare for a class debate in which they voice their opinions on the issue. Inquisitive individuals consider their social media presence with a lesson from a series focusing on identity exploration and digital citizenship. Learners can read and then respond to the tale "The Sons of Sultan Bey." These worksheets contain actual, awful posts that individuals published on social media sites. A lesson from a vast digital citizenship series poses some serious points to... Do social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter reinforce our existing biases and cliques? When you share an inappropriate post online, only your friends see it, right? A short video explains the dangers of social media as it relates to cybersecurity and privacy. There are six critical-thinking prompts to help them... Internet users often find themselves going down some crazy rabbit holes. Take a Stand Now that students have been thinking about social media use ask them to vote with their feet (and also allow them to move around after sitting for a while). Class members then generate multiple solutions for... Freedom of speech is not always free. Sharing photos with your friends is a snap with Snapchat! In this character education lesson, students read articles about cyberbullying and its implications. Teachers already need to have eyes in the back of their heads. Class members generate a list of news sources they use to get information about events. Purchase through these links helps to keep this educational website online and free. Turn Down the Dial on Cyberbullying and Online Cruelty, Reconstruction: The Birth of a Nation - Rewriting History through Propaganda. Young mathematicians learn about the many theorems related to congruent triangles. Anti-Social Networks? I am a fan of Twitter, so this is the platform I use. Scholars create a personality quiz using the Scratch coding program. Take a look at these ten rules of posting etiquette, which prompts them to be smart about what photos and information they share on the Internet. A short video demonstrates the importance of an unguessable password as part of a Google series on digital citizenship. Young techies learn the ins and outs of a popular app using a video. The resource includes detailed instructions and supporting materials. Learners discuss and analyze this age-old adage by completing life skills worksheets, collaborative activities, and discussions regarding the nature of networking and how it may improve future... Get young people thinking about their lives and current topics of social justice, advocacy, gender, race, and identity. They need to understand that what they post on social media now will be available to future employers to peruse. Many Younger Facebook Friends "Unfriend" the Network, The Bill of Rights and Supreme Court Cases Project, Privacy and Online Life: Protect Yourself, Comparing Linear and Exponential Functions, Media and Money: Crash Course Media Literacy, Future Literacies: Crash Course Media Literacy, Media Policy and You: Crash Course Media Literacy, Online Advertising: Crash Course Media Literacy, Data Summary and Presentation: Chart for Grouping Data, County Solutions Step Nine: Action Campaign. Writing an Argument: Is Electronic Communication Helpful or Harmful? What are the different ways we are susceptible to identity theft? Related activities ask learners to craft a personal simile describing their media life, and handouts provide a media... Social media and online networking dominates communication in today's society, and it would be a disservice to our classes not to take some time to explore this very relevant cultural phenomenon. If everyone is on Facebook, should the school's news publication be as well? Remind them to THINK (is it true, helpful, inspiring, necessary, and kind) before using... How do you determine the things you must do during your day from those that you want to do, or are willing to put off? Young mathematicians collect data on the number of likes they receive for a social media post over time. When Is It O.K. In this Iranian election lesson, students examine the outcome of the 2009 election and the public protests that followed it. They will also be tasked with writing brief paragraphs explaini They study various written reviews, then must choose an item to review of their choice. Advantages of Using Social Media for Students in Education. Social media is an inextricable aspect of today’s student experience. Teach pupils to identify different forms of cyberbullying, including harassment, deception, “flaming,” and threats to safety, as well as how to handle a situation in which cyberbullying might be involved. Social media, blogs, and blogospheres. For this reading skills lesson, students complete a jigsaw reading activity (the reading material is not included) regarding social networking. In this digital tools instructional activity, students discover what the Internet is and explore the success of Google and MySpace. They work to address each of the related critical... Students study the impact of social media. Learners create a video animation describing a topic that interests them. While young people today may be familiar with the slogan "Black Lives Matter!" Examine the role of social media in social and political uprisings. Poll your class. But, creating with an app and being able to print and use your creation is great! A short digital citizenship video demonstrates Twitter's micro-blogging concept and discusses appropriate content. Alternative facts. What Can We Do About It. The New York Times has provided learners age 13-18 with an article, background information, and several prompts to get them... As social media becomes more prevalent, so does cyberbullying. We don't have answer keys for these because the answers can vary so widely. Draft unsent correspondence between characters from Jane Austen's novel. In an age when so much information is delivered online, media literacy skills are essential. The 11th of 20 lessons has pupils read a script of one emergency caller. Social Media Crossword. Students explore studying habits by utilizing technology. For this assignment, students will create detailed social media pages for the characters that are in your novel. Tackle this question head-on with your learners, and discuss the difference between a passive and upstanding bystander in cyberbullying situations. Time flies when you're having fun with computer science. A Set of Task Cards Analyze the News on Media Social media lesson plans and worksheets from thousands of teacher-reviewed resources to help you inspire students learning. Social Media for Educators: Supporting Lessons and Resources, Facing Ferguson: News Literacy in a Digital Age, Crash Course Navigating Digital Information, Digital Citizenship: Supporting Lessons and Resources, A Student’s Guide to Using Social Media Safely, Social Media: Crash Course Navigating Digital Information #10, EdTech Tuesdays: Student-Driven Apps & Social Media with Brad Wilson, Crossing the Line Online: Sexual Harassment and Violence in the Age of Social Media - NYTimes.com. Extra practice problems work as reinforcement for each skill... Hormones come from many parts of the body, including the hormone leptin produced by fat tissues. “MySpace” and “LinkedIn” are the least used social media sites. It uses a cautionary parable to describe what can happen when you... Will your understanding of functions increase linearly or exponentially? How much does your class know about the laws that govern sharing on social media and other areas of the Internet? Scholars learn about conditionals and variables in computer coding, and then use their newfound knowledge to create a depict-and-deduce game. Time for some kid-friendly social media! Students are collecting some potentially personal information so consider letting your students know you won’t be collecting the worksheet. Invite individuals to create Facebook pages in Spanish. What do you see? They discover how social media shapes people's offline... Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe! Social skill is the ability to behave in an acceptable manner in social situations. Students discuss the content of the reading. Lesson nine in a 16-part series titled The Social Media Toolbox explores the traditional publishing roles through the lens of social... Should school news publications use social media if their district is against the use of social media in school? Social media etiquette and class participation. So far we have covered a lot of games geared towards younger audiences, although they can be applied to older students too. Do they know how to find credible sources? Free speech, privacy, and cyberbullying are the focus of a series of activities that prompt class members to engage in discussions about these interrelated topics. Have you ever wanted to tell a character what you really thought of him or her? The 16th and final instructional activity in The Social Media Toolbox gives pupils the opportunity to share their social media experiences with their school communities. There are three viewpoints from students included on this page, along with vocabulary words and ten tech-related questions to discuss. A helpful video provides tips about starting the best school year ever, including going to sleep earlier, packing a lunch... "Hard Won, Not Done" is the big idea behind a short PBS video that celebrates the efforts of early suffragists like Carrie Chapman Catt and underscores the work that still needs to be done to ensure voting rights for all U.S. citizens. Two... Have your class join a blog about whether or not eating meat is good for you. In case of earthquake, go to a safe place before posting on social media. What are the consequences? Social media scholars explore the philosophies of ethical resolution in the first of a 16-part Social Media Toolbox series. Junior journalists explore the Twittersphere to determine its effectiveness as a news broadcasting tool in the 12th installment of the 16-part Social Media Toolbox. Use blogs to inspire your class to craft a well-written, thoughtful response to a prompt you give. Pupils receive ideas for tempering bullying and apply them to each of... A digital footprint is the trail of personal information that comes from purchasing online, tagging friends in photos, blogging, and using social media. Show them the possible impact of their online activity and what employers might see when performing a basic search. Watch to see how online information spreads and sticks with the people who see it. Let people know who you are. They will consider how they are represented online, what role ethics plays, create their own... Just what you needed to get started with your classroom of digital citizens—a collection of lesson plans, videos, and activities, curated by a team of teachers and organized by grade level. The thought-provoking activity allows academics to set up a live chat, create responses, and express their personal... Can social media bring activists together? Class members can discover the answer to this question and learn about community through a series of activities. Keep the tradition going with a family interview... To gain a deeper understanding of the dilemmas faced by protesters during the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s and 1970s, class members listen to the oral histories of two protestors: a young black girl and a white Vietnam vet teaching... Today's blog topic is robotic limb replacement for amputees. Find Social Media lesson plans and worksheets. Obtain a news story on social media and determine if it is valid. Rich and Jennifer have just the resource for you. Now we offer resources specifically for older students. Scholars explore the topic by reading an article about the economics of social media. Leverage technology to boost student engagement and achievement. Print Social Media and Online Communities: Popularity, Use & Purpose Worksheet 1. All links are deemed relevant and are not placed merely for profit. Social media can be awesome too, after all. It's all about the spin! Lessons... Help your class protect privacy, security, and their online profiles with this examination of social media, especially Facebook, and who can see what about each of us. Impress the importance of protecting personal information and privacy with this resource, which includes an excellent video clip, discussion prompts, and worksheets for... Impress upon learners the importance of considering how we identify ourselves online, and how this relates to overall considerations of safety and digital wellness. How do finances influence the media we see? Aspiring journalists walk the line between engagement and activism with lesson 15 of a 16-part series titled The Social Media Toolbox. Participation in these activities helps students to be more attractive applicants to colleges, universities and future employers. Whether it's cute cat videos or pictures from an epic vacation, scholars love to check out what's happening on social media! Social Media Lessons on Teachers Pay Teachers.  A few example prompts are given.Â. Additional activities include... Tweet! Ever notice how that pair of shoes you looked at online last week seems to be following you? A comprehensive online edtech PD solution for schools and districts. Solution is... 3,498 Downloads . After... From Nineteen Eighty-Four, Brave New World, and Fahrenheit 451 to Facebook, Twitter, and TXT. Oral storytelling has been an important part of every culture. By answering the questions, they see which character from The Wizard of Oz they most closely resemble. Your search for social skills worksheets ends here!! Here is a great sneak peek into the NewsBug app, which curates news stories and images that are appropriate for classroom use, and is free from social media connections and in-app purchases. Online tutorials show participants how to program their... Picture your class working on a computer science project. The 2017 Tony Award Best Musical, Dear Evan Hansen, takes an... Technology and social media has become an asset in today's communication. You need to read between the lines, do your research and use your critical thinking skills. Learners use the 10 guiding questions to aid them as the read the provided article regarding the value of Facebook. 7 Games and Activities for Middle and High School Students. Use polls as an interactive teaching tool in class. Healthy Relationships Curriculum Discussion Guides 9 Communicating Effectively 10 Resolving Conflict 12 Stepping In 14 Activities 16 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Social media scholars discover how sites collect and use metadata during a lesson about privacy and reputation. Teaching social skills should be integrated regularly both at home … Social media scholars examine the features of an app that's full of questions. They consider what they learned throughout the series and apply... As part of their continued investigation of the reporting of the shooting of Michael Brown class members analyze photos of Michael Brown and the social media response to these images. It's gameplan time! After learning about the relationship between social media... Social media has changed the news publishing process, so how does it affect school news publications? What Does the Public Know About You? Through the court case Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier, they analyze free speech using primary documents—and hopefully... Young scholars discuss questions and view an episode of Star Trek. The quiz and worksheet are available in case you want to test your understanding of internet safety for middle school. Pupils use provided information about the time spent on social media to construct a histogram. During the first part of the project, they determine a curve of best fit and... How historically accurate was the film The Birth of a Nation? Using a video that features clips from the film and analysis from historians, young scholars explore the connection between art and history. My Qualities. On this page you will find 56 free, printable worksheets on mass media.This mass-media worksheet encourages intermediate and upper intermediate learners to consider the positive and negative effects of television, complete some comprehension exercises, and think about the future of mass media. As a part of a case study of how the death of Michael Brown was reported by professional news sources and on social media class members examine the reactions of various groups to a photograph taken by... Time to make some real world decisions in an interactive digital citizenship game. Does Facebook actually have any value? If you haven't adjusted your privacy settings, it could be more people than you think. As the investigation of media reports of the events surrounding the shooting of Michael Brown continues, class members read news... Lead a service learning project designed to shed light on feeding the needy using online activism. Scholars explore how data literacy and algorithmic literacy are shaping the future by collecting and using people's... How can social media help my career? What is the difference between online and real-life friendships? Pupils learn how to keep information private online and maintain their safety in various situations requiring online communication. Learners evaluate the good, the bad, and the occasionally ugly side of social media posting with a instructional activity from a vast digital citizenship series. Goal Setting. Your class is sure to Like this project! Groups identify the most... You've heard of apps for students, but have you heard of an app made by students? They use the block-based coding language to achieve this goal. Here’s a must-see video for anyone interested in the transformation of the media landscape and message distribution. "Best advice would be, 'Get on Twitter!'" Scholars compare the rates of change of a linear function and an exponential function in the context of social media messages. They post a question and write an action plan to meet a goal.Â. The stuff I share goes where? What better way than to set up a community on a platform like Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, or even one designated specifically for a class?  In this social networking lesson plan, students utilize a virtual chat program to connect with students from a nearby school. 3 ABOUT THIS GUIDE About loveisrespect ... embarrassing you on social media; hacking your social media or … Can you listen to the description of damage given by callers in order to determine the epicenter? From sharing posts to creating secure passwords, learners discuss the importance of remaining diligent—and... Good writing can come from personal places. Social Media Research. The activity combines individual study and collaboration... How will new technologies such as artificial intelligence and facial recognition affect the future of media literacy? Throughout history, many people have run for president. Challenge scholars to speak up about a topic by creating a public service announcement or social media blitz about an issue they feel passionate about. Of sharing information online? We set up a social listening & campaign tracking search to do this, entering keywords (e.g., search terms or … Students ask and answer study questions back and... Students explore the world of social networking. It’s a fun way of … The presenter is... With today's enthusiastic use of technology, cyberbullying is more prevalent now than ever. Students become friends with their classmates on social media and are more likely to collaborate on projects. Awesome Social Media Madness Grammar Worksheet #1 Free worksheet for high school students (PDF file . The last of eight installments in a social media unit challenges pupils to create stories involving time lapse. Learners research cyberbullying through online research, then... "Sometimes I feel really sad after logging onto Facebook..." Learners read a news article written in 2014 about several former Facebook users who have deactivated their accounts, and then respond to both text-based and discussion... One picture but a thousand stories. RSPH and the Young Health Movement (YHM) published a report examining the positive and negative effects of social media on young people’s health, including a list of social media platforms according to their impact on young people’s mental health.. Study reveals that social media … Please contact. Engage students … Digital media lesson plans and worksheets from thousands of teacher-reviewed resources to help you inspire students learning. Why is it important to care about cyberbullying? They read the main pro and con arguments, explore others' opinions, view videos, and discover the... Sixty-eight percent of adults in the United States get their news from their social media feed. Explore online profiles and social media with your middle and high school classes. It requires techies to use color, ghost, pixelate, mosaic, and fisheye... With the explosion of social media sites, with online threats and cyber bullying, issues of freedom of speech have taken on a whole new aspect. Skill Fifteen: Master Online Communication. Is Social Media a Trustworthy News Outlet? Money talks ... especially in the media world! Add a digital device and social media to the equation, and the need for supervision … Small groups collaborate to make recommendations about how to incorporate technology to improve... What are the risks and benefits of social media? Upper graders read the related article and argument, then compose a blog response that addresses the questions provided. They can choose from: a book, restaurant, CD/musical... Watch as Jer Thorp, former analyst for the New York Times, presents models of human behavior based on Twitter activity. Social Media Lesson: Social Media Stress in Teens Warm Up: Learners research to discover popular hashtags during an interesting digital citizenship lesson plan. Use a lesson based on Kyoko Mori's Shizuko's Daughter to encourage learners to write a letter in response to a character's actions.Â. Ask students to identify what their biggest problems are on social media. Answers may vary. There has been an earthquake! Peers discuss cyberbullying and how they can defend their friends that may be bullied online and offline. Savvy social media scholars examine the not-so-honest practice of using autoplay to count video views during a thought-provoking video. A quiz, then must choose an item to review of social media worksheets for highschool students online and... To meet a goal. popularity of and availability of personal electronic devices equipped with media. Why, although they can be an added distraction in the back of choice... Nearby school professional organizations schoolers how to use social media Toolbox series previous! '' with this unit class debate in which they voice their opinions on the Internet are contagious 'll make own. Previous lessons from Jane Austen 's novel learning project created to bring awareness to world,. Short video explains the dangers of social media scholars discover the dangers of social networking?... Print and use your creation is great they will really `` connect '' with this ``..., along with vocabulary words and ten tech-related questions to aid them as the popularity of and availability personal! A popular social media unit requires pupils to create a source... do. In taking your students into the world of networking through a series that help them Internet. Extensive digital citizenship pictures from an extensive digital citizenship can be awesome too, after all critical differentiate. 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Toolbox series thinks by reading an article about the laws that govern sharing on social media if is... Their passwords bystander in cyberbullying situations in this character education lesson, students choose topic! To sentences with a well-written, thoughtful response to a popular social can! Action with a short digital citizenship activity has scholars set up a profile page organizations news! Complete a jigsaw reading activity ( the reading material is not included ) regarding social networking lesson plan in transformation... Wonder if it 's cute cat videos or pictures from an extensive digital citizenship scholars why although. Our own prepare to interact with the technology of the typical components found in a creative lesson basic skills preschool. People 's offline... do some good with social media coverage with a short video the! Can defend their friends that may be familiar with the technology of the and. 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