
multimedia learning examples

The script also included a welcome message, instructions on how to navigate the orientation, and library contact information. However, it is important to be aware of accessibility and technology limitations when designing these interactions.  students' multimedia products will be technology-based presentations, such as a computerized slide show, a Web site, or a video. A good starting point for video lessons on screen is to scrap everything that is not strictly relevant. Students using a spreadsheet or graphing calculator to … For example, including interesting but irrelevant stories and graphics may draw learners’ precious processing resources. Seel 2001). 1989). One of them plays the role of a teacher who explains, for example, the states, functions, and transformations of a complex system to the other. The NorQuest Library has its own media server, which we were able to use to host the online orientation video. Even in cases where the learners modified a previously created causal diagram, the observable changes were so substantial that the result was a new causal diagram. In the first comprehensive project, a series of replication studies was conducted to investigate externally guided model-based learning in a comprehensive multimedia learning environment designed in accordance with the principles of the cognitive apprenticeship approach (Collins et al. Additionally, a special heuristics for problem solving was taught. In science, students created animations that simulated how the plague virus attacks the body. Mayer suggests that this is due to the fact that when processing visual images and written text, the learner is using the same channel, resulting in cognitive overload. By doing so, she expands the CTML to include the first noncognitive element. Four segments of five minutes will work much more effectively than one long video of 20 minutes. Building on the DCT, Mayer (2001) developed a cognitive theory of multimedia learning (CTML). Multimedia Learning 1. For the online orientation, the content of the script was created using material adapted from preexisting library orientations and tours, which had been used with face-to-face classes. With increased library communication and the more personal touch that accompanies a personal librarian program, library staff have made anecdotal comments that more distance learners are contacting the library and using the services highlighted in the orientation video. Some of this research is summarized in a 2010 special issue of Learning and Instruction (Mayer, 2010). One size does not fit all when it comes to multimedia tutorials. Remove all the fluff. Similarly, pictorial selection processes synthesize a picture base, and pictorial organization processes lead to a picture-based mental model. In this situation, an important goal of multimedia instructional design is to foster generative processing. Another reason for selecting HTML 5 was the ability to have responsive Web design, a necessary aspect of compatibility with mobile devices. In addition, page views were also used as a metric to determine if students were watching the video. First, in extraneous overload situations, the amount of extraneous processing and essential processing exceeds the learner's cognitive capacity, so there is no capacity available for engaging in generative processing or even all needed essential processing. In 2001, he set out his principles for multimedia learning, which have become a standardised approach in instructional design methods.. Poor instructional design can increase each of these. It is governed by an international group of public affairs schools. Multimedia learning strategies that work well for learners with low existing knowledge may actually hinder learning for those with a higher level of pre-existing knowledge (Kalyuga, 2005). "Coherence or interest: Which is most important in online multimedia learning?" Aesthetically pleasing eLearning courses boost learner … Graphic images with text work better than text alone. The Spatial Contiguity Principle states that any text and visual content should be contiguous; that is they should be close to each other on the page or screen. The sequence of the methods “modeling – coaching – scaffolding – exploration” significantly improved the learning process, as did the accomplishment of the complex transfer tasks in exploration. As another example, placing text on one page and corresponding graphics on another page can cause the learners to have to scan back and forth, finding their place each time, and wasting precious cognitive resources. An explanation for this may be found in the fact that the subjects of our studies were constrained by the instructional program and did not receive additional advice by a teacher as suggested by Palincsar (1986), who considers dialogue to be a solid basis for effective scaffolding. Second, in essential overload situations, the amount of essential processing required to mentally represent the essential material as presented exceeds the learner's cognitive capacity, even if all extraneous processing is eliminated. For the past 20 years, my colleagues and I at the University of California, Santa Barbara have been conducting dozens of experimental comparisons aimed at identifying multimedia design principles that reduce extraneous processing, manage essential processing, and foster generative processing. Content that would only apply to students using the physical library space, such as instructions for reserving a group study room, was omitted from the online orientation script. Students were asked if they remembered receiving an email about the online orientation. One of the techniques to improving the students is using multimedia in the process of teaching and learning in the classrooms. This corresponds with the postulate of constructivist learning that the learning environment provided is an important informational resource that can be used in a strategic manner to extract the information needed to create subjective plausibility and solve learning tasks. Articulation is defined as the process of “thinking aloud” while working on a task, and reflection is defined as the comparison of the problem solving procedures applied by the learner and the expert. Pedro De Bruyckere, ... Casper D. Hulshof, in Urban Myths about Learning and Education, 2015. 14 minute read. Research also indicates that this effect is lost if you give the learners control over the pause button, so that they can decide for themselves when to stop and when to carry on. From Mayer, R. E. Retrieved October 19, 2008. Furthermore, the multimedia instruction did not make appropriate “cognitive tools” available to support learners in accomplishing the learning tasks. Words can be processed in one of two ways. Somoza-Fernández and Abadal (ibid.) Actually, in the various replication studies the learners’ causal diagrams offered only minor similarities with the conceptual models provided in instruction. Allowing control over pacing, the ability to skip some content, and control over features such as audio or text display is particularly important in screencasts for learners with different levels of knowledge. 1987, Newby et al. Processing of information using the visual and verbal channels. For example, thinking of related knowledge or mentally reorganizing the material as learners explain the material to themselves are examples of generative processing. We broadened our scope in this project: rather than surveying students strictly about the distance orientation video, we surveyed students about the usefulness of the email newsletters they received throughout the term. There were 224 views of the online orientation during this time. How to present information to improve learning. Although contingency coefficients indicated that the learners’ causal diagrams were not fully independent of the conceptual models, the correlations were not significant. Mayer, R. E. (2005). Multimedia learning is a form of computer-aided instruction that uses two modalities concurrently (Mayer, 2002). Work with relatively small amounts of learning material, not large chunks. In addition, cognitive load is an important consideration when examining emotions. Having already established these best practices and a standard procedure for creating tutorials allowed us to easily apply these processes to the creation of an online orientation. Allow the learner control over stopping, going back and repeating dynamic images (video, animations, etc.). For example, if you provide students with written instructions for small-group activities, instead of simply stating the instructions one time, students will not need to remember the instructions as they work. Of those students, 27 (70%) found the video to be helpful or very helpful, 1 (3%) found it not very helpful, and 10 (27%) did not look at the video. Richard Mayer’s cognitive theory of multimedia learning (based to a large extent on Alan Paivio’s dual-coding theory and John Sweller’s cognitive load theory). Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Examples of multimedia learning include watching a PowerPoint presentation, watching a pre-recorded lecture or reading a physics textbook. One interesting thing about these principles is their applicability over the long haul. You might be interested in short proposal examples. In this situation, essential processing cannot be reduced because learning the essential material is the instructional objective; thus, an important goal of instructional design is to manage essential processing. Figure 8.1. Even if you are offering lesson packages online, you need to build in at least the same number of practice moments as in traditional lessons, so that learning content can be alternated with practical application. For example, it can not adapt the difficulty of a learning task to the learners’ abilities to compensate for a learner’s missing knowledge. decomposing a complex problem into sub-problems and solving them by analogy) were effective. Journal of Educations Psychology, 94(1), 171-185 To say that technology in education is a hot topic is something of an understatement. Students can also create their own media. The studies reported in this special issue all employed a gaze fixation measure (time looking at relevant information) and produced important empirical and theoretical contributions to CTML. In the final part of the apprenticeship instruction, called exploration, learners had to solve transfer tasks—one of them required a “near transfer” (i.e. Use only the information that the learner needs. To remain within the same context of contents, the learners did construct—at different times—causal diagrams as cognitive artifacts which correlated only minimally with each other. The significant decrease in performance between coaching and scaffolding that was observable in all replication studies indicates that learners could not progress from content-oriented to process-oriented learning in the sense of an increasingly self-regulated accomplishment of analogous tasks (cf. The weak spot of the instruction was scaffolding, the fact that none of our efforts to enable the learners to develop a promising problem solving strategy (e.g. Figure 23.2. 1995). Humans are supposed to process information in their working memory through two channels: an auditory–verbal channel and a visual–pictorial channel. The final principle outlined is the Coherence Principle. Hmelo & Guzdial (1996) view this organization of tasks as an example of “black-box scaffolding,” which may improve the performance in the case of “closed” domains but is ineffective in making the intended scaffold transparent for problem solving. One way to accommodate different levels is to provide basic and advanced levels of the same subject so students can choose the appropriate content and paths based on their needs. Multimedia instructional content is more likely to create a meaningful learning experience if the content is developed with the following assumptions from cognitive science in mind: From Mayer, 2005, Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning. When asked about which communication topics they found to be the most useful, the introductory newsletter highlighting the online orientation was rated the highest, with 73% of respondents rating it as the most useful information they received. The first step in creating the online orientation was to draft a storyboard and script. The concrete task consisted in drawing causal diagrams (defined here as externalizations of mental models) (cf. The Multiple Representation Principle indicates that meaningful learning occurs when both channels (verbal and visual) are used at the same time. By pictures, he means that the material is presented in pictorial form such as using static graphics , including illustrations, graphs, photos, or maps, or using dynamic graphics , including animation or video. Over the course of the 2016–17 academic year, 1,566 distance learners were contacted by via email by the personal librarian program. This consisted of the decomposition of a complex problem into sub-problems and the construction of analogies between the sub-problems. The orientation was published as HTML 5, a publishing format that enabled it to be a clickable, interactive video (NorQuest College Library, 2015). Before developing the distance learner online orientation in 2015, we had already started developing online tutorials for the library website. Some students, for example, may be able to learn about the human body through lectures and images in books that demonstrate the various systems within the body. I report the median effect size (d) for each of 12 principles, based on multiple experimental comparisons carried out in our lab. According to Mayer’s theory, verbal selection processes synthesize a so-called propositional text base, and verbal organization processes lead to a text-based mental model. Mathew Swerdloff, in Emotions, Technology, and Learning, 2016. He is an avid fan of Mayer's 12 Principles of Multimedia Learning, and he very successfully walks the walk in his own presentations. There are many ways and techniques to tell a story visually, even if your subject may be a bit difficult to present visually. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Other topics included information about plagiarism and citing, the research process, identifying scholarly sources, evaluating information, and tips for studying. The use of video in the classroom and, by extension, in education generally is currently a subject of heated discussion, not least because of the activities of the Khan Academy™ of Salman Khan, which has placed huge numbers of lessons on YouTube. Multimedia learning effects such as split attention have been studied in a direct and objective way using methodologies that afford tracking the dynamics of covert visual attention, or eye tracking (e.g., Schmidt-Weigand, Kohnert, & Glowalla, 2010; van Gog & Scheiter, 2010). A principle which is the specialization of the Multimedia principle and advocates … The librarians selected Adobe Captivate for use on the distance orientation project because of our preexisting familiarity with the software, which can be used to create interactive videos. The result of the combination of both approaches can be described as in Table 1 (cf. ... By words, Mayer means that the material is presented in verbal form , printed or spoken text for example. The multimedia instruction was not capable of adapting the learning tasks to the individual learner. It is advisable to keep these practice moments as practical as possible. (2005). In. {"serverDuration": 46, "requestCorrelationId": "e246c1742e3c1ddd"} Educational Technology Guidance {"serverDuration": 32, "requestCorrelationId": "f339fff80786f2b0"} Multiple factors impact the amount of cognitive load a learner experiences, such as the difficulty of the materials and the demands of the learning task (Plass, Moreno, & Brünken, 2010). However, as in Casey’s study it was difficult to realize the methods of articulation and reflection in a multimedia learning environment. Students who cannot learn well using OLaM will experience frustration; students who are using poorly designed multimedia, without regard for cognitive load theory, will experience emotional states that do not support learning. The tips that we gave earlier in the book in the section on Myths about Learning remain valid here. As such, it was not surprising that promotion was the most difficult part of the online orientation project. Figure 8.2. Finally, generative underutilization occurs when learners have cognitive capacity available to engage in generative processing but choose not to do so. Because working memory can only hold a limited amount of information (Baddeley, 1986; Cowan, 2001), processing of multimedia information is performed under these memory constraints. Lessons developed with consideration for the limitations of students working memory are more likely to be effective than lessons developed without. To manage the creation of these tutorials, a set of best practices were established. Multimedia learning goes beyond passive learning, however, and can also allow students to interact with computer software and video or audio presentations to further enhance their learning. This principle asserts that deeper learning occurs from words and pictures than from just words. Leah Townsend, in Planning Library Orientations, 2018. Actually, the results of the various replications studies indicate that causal diagrams can be considered suitable methods to assess mental models as knowledge constructions of higher order that develop in dependence on current learning experiences. The quality of the causal diagrams (i.e. The tutorials covered topics in basic information literacy skills. Basically, the same holds true with respect to the realization of scaffolding. The portfolio contains three types of multimedia learning materials: video briefs featuring short introductions to a public affairs issue, curated cases that package publicly available materials into timely and relevant mini-cases, and in-depth e-cases describing a critical quandary that a leader or team must resolve. Choosing Form Over Functionality. Collins et al. The video is self-paced, and students are able to move through the icons on each slide in whichever order they see fit. Norbert M. Seel, in Advances in Psychology, 2006. Of the 74 (9%) distance students who completed the survey in April 2016, 38 (52%) remembered receiving the email. There are three types of cognitive load: extraneous, intrinsic and germane. (PDF). According to the cognitive apprenticeship approach, effective learning environments can be characterized by 18 features in four broad dimensions: content, methods, sequencing, and the sociology of teaching. Examples of multimedia learning include watching a PowerPoint presentation, watching a pre-recorded lecture or reading a physics textbook. Basically, we can agree with the verdict of Mayer (1989, 47) that “students given model-instruction may be more likely to build mental models of the systems they are studying and to use these models to generate creative solutions to transfer problems,” but at the same time it is clear that the students do not adapt the conceptual model provided in instruction one-to-one. I share the fruits of this research program with you in the next three sections of this chapter. All in all, the results of five evaluation studies with more than 400 subjects justify the statement that the cognitive apprenticeship approach is a sound framework for the instructional design of environments for constructivist learning. This essential document lays out the objective of the tutorial or video, images to be used, concepts covered, spoken script, and any interactions that occur for a given section of video. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of the multimedia program for learning is empirically well substantiated with regard to apprenticeship methods which aim at explanatory descriptions, as in expository teaching. But this does not mean that you should trivialize or underemphasize your text. Figure 8.2 provides a detailed overview of the CTML; it depicts content presented as words and pictures. Richard Mayer is professor of psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Modality Principle. What now follows are a number of concrete, scientifically based pieces of advice specifically geared for teaching through technology, which we hope educators at all levels will find immediately useful. When you need to quickly show off a vast array of what you can accomplish with the PDF, there’s no easier way than in a… Essential processing is cognitive processing required to mentally represent the essential material in the lesson as presented and is caused by the complexity of the to-be-learned material. Signaling Principle – People learn better when cues that highlight the organization of the essential … So far these results correspond with observations and empirical results of other studies, such as those of Casey (1996) and Chee (1995). Richard E. Mayer, in Psychology of Learning and Motivation, 2011. Eleven percent of these students responded to our end-of-term survey. Popular examples of multimedia include video podcasts, audio slideshows, animated shows, and movies. Publicly launched in August 2012, the Hubert Project is both a platform for public affairs educators to connect globally in transforming public affairs education and a portfolio of open-access, web-based multimedia learning materials created and shared by this community. Moreover, this instructional approach prescribes in detail what the learner has to do in each sequence of learning in order to achieve particular objectives. Media can be a component of active learning strategies such as group discussions or case studies. Much research has been carried out (and is still being carried out) to investigate the best way to make use of technology for learning purposes both inside and outside the classroom. Figure 23.1. S. 37. Mayer’s second basic assumption is that these two channels have a limited capacity to convey and process information. For example, student video projects can be a powerful learning experience. found that only three percent of their sample provided this option. Actually, learners were provided with an easier learning task which they could solve and then the difficulty of tasks increased until the learners were no longer able to solve them on their own. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Rather, in the course of learning with the instructional program they acquired domain-specific knowledge which they used for the construction of independent causal models. Mayer’s Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning tells us that the words and pictures that we choose for instruction are important and impactful. The Modality Principle states that students learn better when text is presented in verbal form (as narration) rather than in visual form (as written text). If that is not possible, consider having pre-test questions that could analyze students’ knowledge and recommend which sections they should take, or consider having links to “remedial” sections that beginning learners can follow but advanced learners could choose to bypass. It is important to consider this when implementing instructional programs for use in schools. This allows students to explore the information outside the video on the library website and then return to the video and continue at their convenience. ... quantitative relationship among two or more variables such as a line graph showing the relationship between two similar examples. Mayer states that while two channels of content can be more effective, too much content can be counter-productive. Obviously, it was more parsimonious and cognitively less exhaustive to construct a new causal diagram at each time of measurement than to remember the previously constructed solutions. Spoken words are processed through the sensory memory via the ears as verbal stimulus. Some interactive components (such as drag-and-drop) do not work as well on touchscreen devices. Importantly, when students click on a link the video pauses. A screenshot from the online video orientation, outlining the content of the video (NorQuest College Library, 2015). Multimedia Principle. A teacher we know teaches 7th graders social studies. The importance of vocabulary instruction: focus on ELLS Children need to know a wide range of words to understand and learn from the stories they encounter in school. These verbal distractions can overload the auditory channel and take away from the ability to process essential auditory content. Seel 1999). There seem to be a couple of general rules that need to be followed, or rather avoided.  Project-based multimedia learning is a method of teaching in which students acquire new knowledge and skills in the course of designing, planning, and producing a multimedia product. Since it is difficult to create a single tutorial that works for all learners, ideally different versions of a tutorial would be available for different kinds of learners. Working memory is the part of memory that consciously processes information. Information from the orientations was divided into three categories: resources that online students could get from the library, tools that they could use online, and help services that were available. One size does not fit all when it comes to multimedia tutorials. Mayer & Moreno (2003) outline nine specific strategies to reduce the cognitive load of multimedia presentations: Email ubcei@buffalo.edu or use our contact form. See Appendix for a copy of the storyboard and script for the NorQuest Library distance learners library orientation. It turned out that realizing articulation and reflection within the multimedia program is a severe problem. The best practices helped to ensure the resulting tutorials would be clear, accessible, and uniform in appearance. As a result, the learner is not able to engage in the sense making necessary for a meaningful learning outcome. This theory assumes that the human cognitive system includes verbal and pictorial (image) subsystems. An example of how to implement multimedia during classroom read-alouds is described. Mayer, R. E., & Moreno, R. (2003). For example, instead of wanting students to plan a garden as the core of the project, then deciding which learning objectives and academic standards fit that idea, planning backward–looking first at the learning objectives and academic standards, then brainstorm project ideas and components of that project (audience, purpose, duration, etc.) Simply said, cut out the extras. This procedure is based on a “constructive interaction” between two communication partners who have similar domain-specific knowledge. Accordingly, individuals can use different representational formats to internally encode and store knowledge. Mayer’s theory attempts to explain how multimedia applications can be best designed and utilized. Multimedia learning in an interactive self-explaining environment: What works in the design of agent-based microworlds? They then organize this information in working memory, connect the verbal and visual representations with one another, and integrate them with prior knowledge. This is a well-known principle that learners prefer to learn better from words … His third basic assumption is that humans are active sense-makers: They engage in active cognitive processing to construct coherent knowledge structures from both the available external information and their prior knowledge. 4. Here are a few samples that show how some people have creatively put together projects using a variety of different techniques: Using Timelinejs for a timeline-driven … Moreno proposed an addition to Mayer’s (2005) Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML) into which she incorporated motivational as well as metacognitive factors that mediate multimedia learning (Moreno, 2007; Moreno & Mayer, 2007). 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