
how does evolution explain gender

[RETURN TO TEXT], [44]  Margulis, Lynn and Dorion Sagan, Slanted Truths: Essays on Gaia, Symbiosis, and Evolution, Springer-Verlag, New York, p. 291, 1997. It is little wonder that, in their more candid moments, evolutionists admit, as Ackerman eventually did, that “when it comes to sex, we inhabit a mystery.”[47]. Genderrefers to the concepts o masculine and feminine whereas sex is the biological fact of being a male or female. How, exactly, did nature accomplish the “invention” of the marvelous process we know as sex? Why restrict our options? [Somatic cells reproduce via the process of mitosis, which maintains the species’ standard chromosome number; gametes are produced via the process of meiosis, which halves that number. ANSWER: There are two key aspects about sex that are contrary to the notion of evolution. Evolution is the change in a population's inherited characteristics, or traits, from generation to generation. [RETURN TO TEXT], [18]  Grass�, Pierre-Paul, Evolution of Living Organisms, Academic Press, New York, p. 87, 1977. Think about this. [RETURN TO TEXT], [39]  Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luca, Genes, Peoples, and Languages, North Point Press, New York, p. 176, 2000. 14, p. 98. Additionally, it should be noted that today we still see organisms that reproduce asexually, as well as organisms that reproduce sexually—which raises the obvious question:  Why do some organisms continue to reproduce asexually, while others have “evolved” the ability to reproduce sexually? At conception, the chromosomes inherited from the sperm are paired with the chromosomes inherited from the egg to give the new organism its full chromosomal complement. Notice, however, the admission by Margulis and Sagan that “meiosis seems connected with complex cell and tissue differentiation.”  Indeed it does—now! Without sexes, you wouldn’t have to limit your choice of a mate to half the population. It suggests that sex would be favored by a variable environment, yet a close inspection of the global distribution of sex reveals that where environments are stable (such as in the tropics), sexual reproduction is most common. Evolutionists have practically been forced to concede that there must be “some advantage” to a system as physiologically and energetically complex as sex-as Mark Ridley admitted when he wrote: “...[I]t is highly likely that sex has some advantage, and that the advantage is big. In doing so, they offer clues to the mystery of why and how the sexes ever evolved. No one has been able to explain—from an evolutionary viewpoint—the origin of sex, the origin of the incredibly complex meiotic process that makes sex possible, or the intricate development of the embryo (which is itself a marvel of design). In the world of the Red Queen, organisms have to run fast-just to stay still! If we all descended from these single-celled creatures, as Margulis and Sagan have suggested, then why was the simple-yet-efficient method of asexual reproduction set aside in favor of sexual reproduction? It is one thing to develop a theory or hypothesis to explain something that already exists, but it is entirely another to develop a theory or hypothesis to explain why that something (in this case, sex) does exist. At some point authors must be questioned as to the rationale in their thinking? [RETURN TO TEXT], [48]  Thomas, Lewis, The Medusa and the Snail, Viking, New York, pp. This difference, a new study from the University of Texas at Austin finds, may be rooted in evolution. Anyone would be fair game. But that’s another story. lm_day=a.getDate();lm_day=((lm_day<10)? [RETURN TO TEXT], [35]  Mayr, Ernst, Ref. The origin and maintenance of sex and recombination is not easily explained by natural selection. [RETURN TO TEXT], [10]  Crow, Ref. Some organisms do expand their sexual options by having many sexes — 100 for some pond-swimming protozoans. [RETURN TO TEXT], [3]  Ridley, Mark, The Cooperative Gene, The Free Press, New York, pp. 108,111, 2001. Instead, we are encouraged to make decisions based on our personal strengths, interests, and feelings. One way to prevent such a spread is to avoid mixing mitochondria when you have sex. But at … Bonnie G. Smith. As the queen said to poor Alice, “Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place.”  Think of it as a “genetics arms race” in which an animal constantly must run the genetic gauntlet of being able to chase its prey, elude predators, and resist infection from disease-causing organisms. [RETURN TO TEXT], [26]  Ridley, Mark, Ref. And, in fact, evidence is beginning to mount that perhaps the DNA Repair Hypothesis is itself in need of “repair.”  As Maddox noted: We must not overlook an important fact throughout all of this: These theories valiantly attempt to explain why sex exists now, but they do not explain the origin of sex. THE DEVELOPMENT OF GENDER HISTORY. monthName[1] = 'February' 14, p. 99. But what does all of this have to do with the origin of sex? The first sexual beings to emerge perhaps 2.5 billion years ago were what biologists call isogamous — which is a little like being gay, except everyone is somewhere between male and female. monthName[4] = 'May' lm_second=a.getSeconds();lm_second=((lm_second<10)? Quite obviously, if everything remained the same, there would be no evolution. lm_hour=a.getHours();lm_hour=((lm_hour<10)? Isogamous algae, on the other hand, still have sex but instead of mixing sperm and eggs they mingle sex cells of roughly the same size — generically known as gametes. Gender stratification occurs when gender differences give men greater privilege and power over women, transgender and gender-non-conforming people. a kind of “accidental holdover” from the era of single-celled organisms. Sex brought the variations that could allow organisms to survive change.”[13]  Matt Ridley added: It would be “twice as good” or “twice as fit” of course, because it had twice the genetic endowment (having received half from each of the two parents). Why, then, does sex exist? [RETURN TO TEXT], [13]  Zimmer, Carl, Parasite Rex, The Free Press, New York, p. 163, 2000. For some, that situation set the stage for that great seismic shift when living things began to emerge as male and female, thus ushering in everything from the Age of Chivalry to divorce court. Gender Role in Evolution . A spore is a reproductive cell that produces a new organism without fertilization. [RETURN TO TEXT], [33]  Ward, Peter, Future Evolution, Henry Holt, New York, p. 153, 2001. [RETURN TO TEXT], [25]  Cartwright, John, Ref. Yet in their volume, Slanted Truths, they stated unequivocally that meiotic sex evolved “520 million years ago.”[45]  How, pray tell, could the bacteria that are supposed to be responsible for the evolution of sex have “stabilized a billion years ago” (as Grass� observed that they did), and then 500 million years after that stabilization, mutate enough to “evolve” the painstaking process of meiosis? A single individual cannot evolve alone; evolution is the process of changing the gene frequencies within a gene pool. [RETURN TO TEXT], [28]  Maddox, Ref. In a speech presented at Hobart College several years ago, the late Harvard paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould spoke out in a somewhat militant fashion about the subject when he said: All of this raises the question:  If mutations are not the cause of evolutionary change, then what is? Differences in sexual behaviour between men and women can be explained by looking at the different roles in child bearing and raising. Because they carry their own DNA, they can mutate, the scientists say, so you could in theory get a new strain of mitochondria that’s very good at replicating, but not very good for you. [RETURN TO TEXT], [31]  Zimmer, Carl, Evolution: The Triumph of an Idea, HarperCollins, New York, pp. Behaviour , … The genes coding for immune system proteins evolve considerably faster. [RETURN TO TEXT], [34]  Mayr, Ernst, What Evolution Is, Basic Books, New York, p. 98, 2001. Assuming that the sexual female produces an equal number of males and females, then only half of her offspring will be able to survive to produce further offspring, … 14, p. 98. He also earned a Ph.D. in neurobiology and anatomy from the College of Medicine at the University of Tennessee in Memphis. 3, pp. [RETURN TO TEXT], Male Sperm Cell Attempting to Penetrate Female Egg. 14, p. 99. Of course evolution has an explanation for genders. [RETURN TO TEXT], [30]  Cartwright, John, Ref. Nothing, in an evolutionary sense, forces organisms to reproduce sexually”[29] [emp. As it turns out, the common “survival of the fittest” mentality cannot begin to explain the high cost of first evolving, and then maintaining, the sexual apparatus. 5, p. 60. [RETURN TO TEXT], [43]  Mayr, Ernst, Ref. Such pickiness is an enormous paradox, says Laurence Hurst, a biologist at the University of Bath in England. To appreciate this, compare a sexually reproducing female with one that reproduces asexually. Niles Eldridge, a staunch evolutionist from the American Museum of Natural History, has declared: “Sex occurs in all major groups of life.”[7]. The Lottery Principle was first suggested by American biologist George C. Williams in his monograph, Sex and Evolution. It is our contention, based on the evidence, that the intricacy, complexity, and informational content associated with sexual reproduction demand the conclusion that sex is neither a “historical accident” resulting in evolutionary baggage, nor a product of organic evolution itself, but rather is the product of an intelligent Creator. Michod, The Evolution of Sex: DNA Repair Hypothesis, The Sociobiology of Sexual and Reproductive Strategies, ed. starfish and salamanders) to replace injured or lost parts. 108-109. One evolutionary theory of gender is mate selection. When asked whether the future of gender was evolution and extinction, Barker, Nyong’o, Wallace and Bornstein all said they hoped for extinction. When pressed to answer questions such as, “Where did males and females actually come from?,” “What is the evolutionary origin of sex?,” evolutionists become silent. '0':'')+lm_day; The theory of evolution proposes that life and humans arose through a natural process. In addressing this very issue, Maddox asked quizzically: Exactly our point! Mushrooms use 30,000 and can mate with any but their own. It’s become clear in recent years that mitochondria are no mere built-in features but a sort of friendly parasitic bacteria living with us in a symbiotic relationship. Evolutionists adhere to the view that the first organisms on Earth were asexual, and thus they believe that, during billions of years of Earth history, asexual organisms experienced numerous beneficial mutations that caused them to evolve into sexual organisms. Links | Books 31, p. 104. Somewhere along this evolutionary path, both males and females were required in order to ensure the procreation that was necessary to further the existence of a particular species. J.F. First you need to understand the evolution of sexual reproduction, *before* dedicated genders … 31, p. 98. In a landmark article published in 1989, Bernstein, Hopf, and Michod suggested that they had discovered the answer: DNA can be damaged in at least two ways. How does the theory of evolution explain the formation of genders within most species? Jealousy seems to be an unique emotion among other negative emotions. Perhaps Cartwright summarized the issue well when he said: “There is perhaps no single explanation for the maintenance of sex in the face of severe cost.”[30]  Since he is speaking of a strictly naturalistic explanation, we would agree wholeheartedly. monthName[8] = 'September' Evidence for this explanation for the evolution of sex is provided by comparison of the rate of molecular evolution of genes for kinases and immunoglobulins in the immune system with genes coding other proteins. monthName[6] = 'July' [RETURN TO TEXT], [40]  Grass�, Pierre-Paul, Ref. [RETURN TO TEXT], [7]  Eldredgen Niles and Joel. Why are babies born young? [12]  Williams’ idea was that sexual reproduction introduced genetic variety in order to enable genes to survive in changing or novel environments. In certain lower forms of animals (e.g., hydra), and in yeasts, budding is a common form of asexual reproduction as a small protuberance on the surface of the parent cell increases in size until a wall forms to separate the new individual (the bud) from the parent. Freeman, San Francisco, CA, p. 391, 1977. Study co-author David Buss, a psychology … '0':'')+lm_month; In sexual organisms, problems also can arise in regard to tissue rejection between the mother and the newly formed embryo. 155-157, 1979. We would like to discuss each briefly. How did sex come to exist? [RETURN TO TEXT], [27]  Maddox, John, Ref. But why is this the case? According to the evolutionaryapproach, genderdifferencesare neither deliberate nor conscious; they exist because they enhanced or helped men and women perform particular types of roles in the past. He is a member of the Society for Neuroscience, and was listed in the 2001-2002 edition of Who’s Who Among Scientists and Researchers. And how can evolution (via natural selection) explain it? He concluded: Dr. Thomas’ money is perfectly safe. monthName[7] = 'August' The essential idea behind the Lottery Principle is that since sex introduces variability, organisms would have a better chance of producing offspring that will survive if they reproduce a range of types rather than merely more of the same. That way you only get them from your mother. The unwieldy tail on the male peacock, for … [RETURN TO TEXT], [19]  Van Valen, Leigh, A New Evolutionary Law, Evolutionary Theory, 1:1-30, 1973. Ernst Mayr, who undeniably ranks as the most eminent evolutionary taxonomist in the world, remarked in his book, What Evolution Is: “Any mutation that induces changes in the phenotype [the outward, physical make-up of an organism-BT/BH] will either be favored or discriminated against by natural selection.... [T]he occurrence of new beneficial mutations is rather rare”[36] [emp. [5]  Lynn Marguilis and Dorion Sagan have proposed a simple solution by suggesting that Mendelian inheritance and sex were a historical accident—i.e. A single parent is all that is required. Deleterious mutations “will be selected against and will be eliminated in due time.”[35]  That, then, leaves beneficial mutations, which, according to evolutionists, are incorporated into the species by natural selection, eventually resulting in new and different organisms. There will always be differences between men and women. They propagate as your cells divide and, in animals, pass from mothers to offspring through eggs. During mitosis, all of the chromosomes are copied and passed on from the parent cell to the daughter cells. Yet if that is the case, why, then, have the bacteria themselves remained virtually unchanged—from an evolutionary viewpoint—for billions of years of Earth history? There are three different types of mutations: beneficial, deleterious, and neutral (see Mayr[34]). That’s because sex was invented before heterosexuality — before males or females, for that matter. The human immune system is vigilant in identifying foreign tissue (such as an embryo that carries half of the male’s genetic information), yet evolutionists contend that the human reproductive system has “selectively evolved” this “elaborate, ubiquitous, and expensive” method of reproduction. Regeneration is another form of asexual reproduction that allows organisms (e.g. Many single-celled organisms reproduce asexually. But the change of a single-celled, asexual prokaryote (like a bacterium) into a multi-celled, sexual eukaryote would not be a “magical” process carried out by just a few, well-chosen beneficial mutations (as if nature had the power to “choose” anything!). [RETURN TO TEXT], [21]  Bernstein, H., F.A. These new unfriendly mitochondria could start to spread through the human population at our expense. A very large number of people do not believe this, which is something that keeps evolution in the news. Maddox asked quizzically: exactly our point to do so do with the origin or maintenance of sex and is... Including some fungi, algae and single-celled pond-swimmers, still practice isogamy intended! Of Darwin and gender identity can lead to severe gender dysphoria Mayr 34! They already may have survived alter the genetic code monograph, sex this... Via errors during the replication process itself and how can evolution ( via natural selection ) explain it Attempting Penetrate... 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