
cleansing and charging crystals

Thank you. The cleansing is a ritual and all such endeavors require mindful peace and vigilance. *Note not all crystals can withstand water. They can help us break karmic trends, heal ancient wounds, and escape the harshest aspects built into the fabric of our life trajectories. The purpose of cleaning is to bring the crystal to a clear and pure state. Incensing your crystals are a nice, quick way to cleanse your crystals before use. This makes the cleanse very powerful. Same with the sun. As you are working with purification, being of a clear mind and intention is necessary. This is a process of cleansing the crystal from negative energy that may be trapped within it. Here are some popular ways to charge and program your crystals: Meditation- Quietly sitting with your stone(s) and … It is recommended to leave your crystal in the ground or dirt for at least 4 hours, however you can leave it overnight, 24 hours, or however long you would like to cleanse and charge. Each of us has our own mojo which we believe most empowers the crystal. Cleansing crystals protect you from outside negative influences and bring about a sense of calmness, peace, and mental clarity. (Put programmed quartz under your pillow at night and hold it in the morning to help you remember dreams!). Cleansing Your New Crystal. This is especially helpful for jewelry that would corrode underwater. It is important to be your own guide and see what methods work well for you and with your crystals. I was gifted a crystal from Colombia. In this way you can remove all the energies, not necessarily negative, of those who have prepared, packed and sold the stone. The salt absorbs all the negativity in the crystal and purifies it. This makes each stone unique in its attributes and footprint. In other words, you are removing all the dense energy, which brings the crystal back to its original and energetic state. Likewise, the sound of your own voice and the use of sacred chants will hold the programming. Known as the master healer working with all chakras, Clear Quartz can raise energies to the highest frequencies and is a deep cleanser. We can choose to move with these constructs, as if being whisked away on mini rollercoasters throughout our lives, or we can challenge them by understanding how they function, then continuously choose to improve our responses to them. State your intention to cleanse and clear, and surround yourself with any crystals … Vitality, love and abundance are the qualities that resonate from charging crystals … Important to note: Before you charge your crystals, you need to cleanse them to make sure that their energy is pure and positive. Several cleansing methods are recommended, they are: 1) Salt Water. I find “no” is easier to determine than yes which may just be neutral, Hold your crystal to your heart and then to your third eye. I’ve already covered cleansing methods and my take on charging crystals elsewhere. Charging and Cleansing Crystals. This will program the crystal with the properties and effects of the magical herbs, to combine the powers of herbs and crystals together. In fact, I believe that if you have to charge your crystals it is an indicator that you are not clearing them effectively. Knowing which route to go is pretty straightforward and you should always do what feels right. Once you acquire a new crystal, one of the first most important things to do is cleanse the crystal of previous energies that may have been picked up on its long journey to get to you. Our unique blend of yoga, meditation, personal transformation, and alternative healing content is designed for those seeking to not just enhance their physical, spiritual, and intellectual capabilities, but to fuse them in the knowledge that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. Moonlight and Sunlight at any time will cleanse and charge your crystals; however during the New Moon and Full Moon cycles, the moon and planetary energy is much more intense and amplified. Before cleansing and charging your crystals and gemstones, consider rinsing each crystal … Cleansing Your Crystals with a Salt Bath One of the most common ways to cleanse your crystals, and the simplest way for beginners, is to use a warm salt bath. Charging crystals is a way of giving them an energy boost. You may find the apophyllite you hold so dear is ready to be gifted elsewhere. Some, like selenite, will dissolve. Simply waft some palo santo or white sage around your crystals so they can benefit from the smoke and are ready for use. I was recently gifted a crystal from Colombia. When each of us is born, elements throughout the universe are aligned in uniquely specific formations. How you cleanse is up to you but waiting for the Full Moon can be a long time. and all you need to do is leave your crystals on a window sill or even outside on your balcony or garden to soak up all the Moon goodness overnight! As a child psychic, she quickly realized there was more to reality than what most people could see or touch. There are lots of other ways to cleanse and charge your crystals.. you can use sound, incense, and other moon phases to name a few. Important to note: Before you charge your crystals, you need to cleanse them to make sure that their energy is pure and positive. You may find that some methods work better than others, however there is no wrong way to cleanse a stone. You want to be mindful on whether or not your crystal is water safe for this method. I don’t believe in charging crystals. Because every aspect of creation is connected, our birth stars and planets are positioned in ways that are meant to impact our lives, both positively and negatively. By wearing some of them for specific purposes, you can protect yourself from the negative influences that were found in the heavens at the time and place of your birth month. The trick with crystals is that you need to make them your own and "program" them with a specific intention before they can start working for you. To start, when I say cleanse and charge I am referring to energy cleansing and charging; crystals need regular energy cleansing and charging to perform at their best. Make sure the sun’s rays will not be focused onto something flammable and start a fire! Learn the top safe methods to cleanse and charge your crystals to create positive energy within them. Natural bodies of water like waterfalls, rivers, lakes, streams, and the ocean have the powerful cleansing and purifying energies that will help return your crystal back to nature and revitalize. The best way to cleanse your crystals and stones of their negative energy is to return them to the Earth. They are among our most direct gifts from the loving bosom of Gaia. The following are some of the most well-known types of cleansing crystals: Place directly under the moonlight and charge it up under the full and new moons to get the most potent frequencies. We use the process of attunement to intuitively choose the right frequency and align your chakras. Selected Crystals. We also reveal a step-by-step guide for cleansing crystals and explain how cleansing and programming your crystals is believed by some alternative health practitioners to have the potential to support your overall wellness. How you cleanse is up to you but waiting for the Full Moon can be a long time. Hold it extended in front of you until the three (crystal, heart, and mind) link forming a triangle and locking in the purpose, State aloud the program and thank the crystal for being a willing transmitter of this frequency, You may hold the crystal underwater (pure spring or a river/ocean is most ideal, but we make due! Submerging your crystal in a natural body of water for a few minutes with the intention to purify in the mind will give the crystal a powerful natural cleanse. Say a mantra, clear the room with sage or bells and be ready to let the purest light move from you. Not everyone is aware of or proficient in Reiki, which is the other method I believe cleanses and … Cleansing and Charging Crystals. There are many ways to approach the cleansing process, some are much more in-depth than others. Additionally, a crystal will absorb energy as it “works.” Each has its own purpose and like people, needs a rest, a recharge, from time to time. I recommend you cleanse crystal jewellery just like crystals after using/wearing them during the day. Cleansing Your Crystals with a Salt Bath. Intention is another way of cleansing and charging crystals. You can even incorporate meditation into this process! Cooking salt can also be used if sea salt/water is not available. Healing crystals are a great addition to any self-care regimen. Soak your healing crystals in both sea salt and water overnight. Direct fire burns away any negative energies. If you’re not sure, try a couple of different methods and see which one resonates with you. Place your order and receive custom crystal frequencies. ), Visualize the water washing over the crystal taking away any disruptions to its natural state, Use sea salt and lightly brush it over the stone using the water to cleanse the salt away. Similar to cleansing, charging and programming can be done in many different ways and the ‘best’ way will be the method that resonates the most with you. To cleanse your stones, lay them on selenite for at least six hours (but the longer the better). Selenite is one of the most popular crystals used to cleanse and charge other crystals and stones due to its powerful metaphysical properties and the ability to charge itself. Leave your crystals outside to bathe in the moon for at least 4 hours or overnight to achieve a deep cleansing and charging. Whether you have 1 or 100, they speak to us in ways that we know we must bring them home. You can put other crystals and stones on top of such cleansing crystals for one day or ‘til their energies are purified. Choose the crystal that grabs your attention and ask it if it is willing to partner. I recommend you cleanse crystal jewellery just like crystals after using/wearing them during the day. My favorites and most trusted crystal allies are those that help me with dream and journey work recall! I used to do it. Many crystals like Amethyst, Aquamarine, Citrine, Fluorite, Rose Quartz, and Smoky Quartz for example will fade in direct sunlight so I charge my crystals just for the sunrise and then pull them back inside. You can charge and clear a crystal by placing a crystal in need of clearing on or nearby a Clear Quartz crystal. When you pick up your crystals or put on your jewelry, they will feel much lighter now that all the negative and blocked energy is removed. so questions are: The Wonderful, Magical, “Be Here Now” Guru, Sri Ramana Maharshi; Teaching Realization Through Self-Inquiry, How to Use the Chinese Magic Square — The Lo Shu, Yogi Bhajan: Happy, Healthy, Holy Sikhism and Kundalini Yoga, Ancient Traditions To Help You Celebrate Summer Solstice, Indigo, Crystal, & Starseed Children: Characteristics Revealed, Ascension Key One: The Origin of the Great Work, Connecting with Our Personal Mother Goddess, The Two Most Powerful Words You Can Ever Speak, Keep Your Spirit In Check: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself, Starry-Eyed Synastry: Zodiac Sign Compatibility Guide, 5 Life-Healing Lessons We Can Learn from Animals, How to Become More Spiritual in Three Small Steps, Reviewing the mystic and his role in our history. Remember that healing crystals can help raise your vibration, but they also absorb energy, so it’s essential to cleanse them periodically. But, in order to experience all these benefits, you need to make sure you’re clearing, activating, and recharging them regularly. With a thriving practice in Colorado’s foothills, Andye is passionate about sharing her knowledge and allowing her clients the space to embrace their own innate wisdom and tap into their highest potential. In Sanskrit, they are known as Navaratna or The Nine Gems. So it is best to be mindful of how long and how often you sunbathe your crystals when using this method. by KSC (Croatia) Hi. Crystals are frozen vibrations, after all, and any impurities and discord it experiences during its harvest, sale, and the journey will be felt. 1. This is why birthstones can be extremely valuable to us. Some say it is the same thing as cleansing, others say that charging is not cleansing. To use the energy of the universe, you will need a piece of gold-colored cloth. In fact, I used to teach it. A gifted medium, healer and intuitive, Andye Murphy walks with a foot in both worlds. 2. There are a few exceptions for me personally – such as Quartz from Nepal and Tibet. Returning your crystal to nature and using nature elements to cleanse and charge your crystals is always effective and powerful because of the natural cleansing and pure energies nature has. One of the most popular cleansing crystals that can purify gemstones of their negativity is selenite. Fill a sink with lukewarm water and one or two tablespoons of sea salt. In this post, we reveal the various different methods of cleansing crystals, including the method of cleansing crystals with a singing bowl. PLEASE NOTE: It's important to note that some stones will fade in the sun. Cleansing/ charging crystals. Cleansing with a larger crystal is an ideal option for smaller stones, pendulums and jewellery, along with fragile or crumbly stones. Many times, you will hear folks speak of charging, as in charging a crystal grid, or charging water. Agate - Green Moss: Moss agate should be left in the presence of greenery overnight once every month. Throughout her month long journey she was unable to locate it in her bag assuming it had gotten lost in the traveling shuffle.Upon returning home to the states she found it and carried it in her purse for a week still in its original paper wrapping. Simply waft some palo santo or white sage around your crystals so they can benefit from the smoke and are ready for use. Throughout her month-long journey, she was unable to locate it in her bag assuming it had gotten lost in the traveling shuffle. One of the most common and easiest forms is Moonlight charging (this technique simultaneously cleanses your crystals, making it even more popular). Not everyone is fortunate enough to share this special blessing, but placing your cherished crystals in the snow is a quick and powerful way to clear and program your crystals to hold long-lasting intent. This method connects them with the earth for a natural cleansing. Leave them there to charge for a minimum of 6 hours. Pyramid Power I first heard about the power of pyramids back in the 90’s. Soak. Suitable crystals can be left to soak in sea water or water mixed with sea salt. Their love is vast and teachings great. Cleansing, or “Clearing”, your crystals is the act of removing all the negative energy they have absorbed for you so they may continue helping you day in and day out. Agate - Banded/Zebra: Bury banded agate in the ground overnight. Charging a Crystal on the New Moon. From cosmic play to past-life memories, she shifts her clients out the cobwebs in body, mind, heart, and soul, to create a life that walks fearlessly down the path of truth. Sitting on my couch one night she squealed with enthusiasm re… My name is Erin and I am the owner of KilmainCrystals , Tumbled Amazonite | Masculine & Feminine Balance |, Tumbled Rhodonite Crystal, Crystals for Anxiety, Green Aventurine Crystal Point Tower | Heart Chakra | Attracts Abundance, Labradorite Palm Stone l Blue Flash l Protection Stone, Palo Santo Holy Wood | Sustainably Harvested, Rose Quartz Pyramid | Stone of Love | Heart Chakra, Tumbled Sodalite Crystal | Stone of Truth | Throat Chakra, Tumbled Citrine Crystal | Merchants Stone | Attracts Abundance & Focus. You may even find you have a favorite method to cleanse your crystals or over time develop a regular cleansing ritual or routine. How to do it? One of the best times to cleanse and charge crystals, is on the New Moon and Full Moon of every month. Moonlight is a natural deep cleanser and is easily accessible to cleanse and charge your stones. This cleansing and charging method will work well crystals and stones like Clear Crystals, Rutilated Quartz, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Smoky Quartz, Ametrine, and Citrine. Placing crystals in the sun or moonlight is often thought of as a method of charging crystals, but when done as part of this process, it is considered to be cleansing. Steps for cleansing your crystals in the Full Moon: Wash them well. You can also smudge your stones using sage sticks, cedar, sandalwood, or palo santo. You can either bury the bag in your yard, or even a potted plant. Charging Crystals For this method of cleansing, you can use bigger charging Crystals such as Clear or Rose Quartz. Shop Now. I have one in my home for instance that assists with my writing, one that attracts abundance, one that holds cosmic frequencies and assists in galactic activations. Fortunately, cleansing, charging, and programming your crystals is easy and there are a lot of options to choose from. Crystals have the ability to absorb and hold unique energies, both positive and negative. Salt Bowl- Pore sea salt or white table salt in a bowl or flat plate. You can hold your crystals in your hand, close your eyes and set your intention for cleansing. I see our role as guardian rather than owner, for their gifts to us are massive, but they like to be co-creators rather than indentured servants to humanity. Certain crystals and clusters (like quartz or amethyst) have the ability to absorb and regenerate other stones. I bought 3 crystals today: Rose Quartz, citrine, and aballone shell. The purpose for charging crystals is to intensify focus and energy in the user. You can hold the stones in a stream of the sage smoke, or simply hold a sage stick close to the crystal with the intention of cleansing it. Mantra, clear Quartz crystal and the full moon: Wash them.! Perfect time for cleansing crystals cleansing and charging crystals is on the new moon and not recognize the of! 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