
aurangzeb: the man and the myth

The author has amazing imagination and has come up with a fairytale book with a man named Aurangzeb as hero. The author admits that some of it is true, however she challenged most of this narrative, by suggesting that Aurangzeb wasn't radically different from his predecessors. He was cruel, certainly, but so were other rulers at his time; he killed his brothe. He was cruel, certainly, but so were other rulers at his time; he killed his brothers to take the throne, but so did his predecessors; he crushed any who tried to stand up against the empire or against him but that again was not extraordinary; he was perhaps more religious than his predecessors but that was not something that affected the way he ruled as much as is made out to be. Audrey Truschke makes some compelling arguments in favour of the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb; through various examples and written evidence she offers us a fresh perspective on a controversial and often reviled figure. 2Early Years chapter abstract. This is especially so, given Audrey's easy writing style. The author, Audrey Truschke is an assistant professor of South Asian history at Rutgers University in New Jersey who focuses on the cultural, imperial and intellectual history of early mo. I read what Aundrey Truschke wrote. I did not find this to be the case, it acknowledges the atrocities the Emperor committed but also paid tribute to the positives of his reign. No one argues that he was otherwise than these things but overall I felt the author has done a great job at trying to present a balanced picture, rather than the exaggerated one of popular myths and images. Her first book, Culture of Encounters: Sanskrit at the Mughal Court (Penguin, 2016) investigates the literary, social and political roles of Sanskrit as it thrived in the Persian-speaking, Islamic Mughal courts from 1560 to 1650. Aurangzeb Alamgir, the sixth Mughal emperor, was also the last of the great ones, before the empire began to decline. One of the most enthralling history books I ever read is Howard Zinn’s “A People's History of the United States”. While many continue to accept the storyline peddled by colonial-era thinkers—that Aurangzeb, a … Aurangzeb was well known in the higher echelons of England at that time as evidenced in the heroic tragedy Aureng-zebe penned by the poet laureate John Dryden in 1675. while coming to the author, she is the coward of the 3rd grade who cannot even take criticism on social media. In this book Audrey Truschke takes up the challenge of addressing one of the most controversial figures of Indian history. But as he strengthened his position, his worldview turned rigid. Like “Akbar took Brahmins to task for misrepresenting Hindu texts to lower castes and hoped that translating Sanskrit texts into Persian would prompt these (in his opinion) arrogant leaders to reform their ways.” ― Audrey Truschke, Aurangzeb: The Man and the Myth. A revisionist history of Aurangzeb that tries to portray him in a different light but fails, Old wine in an old bottle – that is the impression one feels after reading this small book on the last great Mughal emperor Aurangzeb Alamgir. "Someone Else’s Sins Will Not Justify Your Sins", Thoroughly enjoyed the book, for all Non- history Persons, its a very simple read. Of course,... Aurangzeb Alamgir (r. 1658–1707), the sixth Mughal emperor, is widely reviled in India today. And in this book the author has tried to unravel the complex personality of Aurangzeb, without showing any kind of bias. Hindu hater, murderer and religious zealot are just a handful of the modern caricatures of this maligned ruler. —Maxim for rulers, quoted approvingly by Aurangzeb. Shown from a different lens, one wonders and has so many questions left to be answered. ‘Aurangzeb ki Aulad’ (progeny of Aurangzeb) is an invective in Indi. Aurangzeb was a man of his times, not ours.He was a man of studied contrasts and perplexing features.He did not hesitate to slaughter family members, or rip apart enemies, literally as was the case with Sambhaji.At the same time he swed prayer caps by hand and professed a desire to lead a pious muslim life.He was a connoisseur of music and even fell in love with HIrabai but beginning in midlife, … This dislike comes out in more ways than one. And just write a portion in his favour. In this bold and captivating biography, Audrey Truschke enters the public debate with a fresh look at the controversial Mughal emperor. [This petty historian should be trashed. she is a Mass Blocker ( blocks everyone who questions her). Aurangzeb Alamgir (r. 1658–1707), the sixth Mughal emperor, is widely reviled in India today. Very timely publication. Enhances knowledge without weighing you down by dry details (or tedious footnotes). Short and academic writing doesn't make it a great book though. It is a fascinating biography of an emperor who continues to dominate the contemporary discourse on the Hindu-Muslim relationship and beyond. Her teaching and research interests focus on the cultural, imperial and intellectual history of early modern and modern India (c. 1500-present). Throughout the course she tried to explain that Aurangzeb was not an orthodox Muslim but was a potentate. The truth, as usual, is much more nuanced. To find out more, you've got to unlearn all that was taught in school about him and start on a fresh new page. I dont care about the deification or demonization, but this work was just poorly researched, weak on facts. I found this book to be an enjoyable and educational read. Comparing Aurangzeb, an Indian ruler, with ISIS – a terrorist organization tells us how negativity around Aurangzeb … He wanted to be a just king, a good Muslim, and a sustainer of Mughal culture and customs. The best thing about heated public debates is that it pushes scholars to dig deeper to resolve thorny arguments in the public sphere. Audrey Truschke and F.S. Aurangzeb: The Man and the Myth – Review. I have to say I have tremendous respect for her insight and balanced perspective. The book should be read in the spirit it was written- as a "preliminary" engagement/exploration of alternative understandings about Aurangzeb. Early Years The Indian Prince’s Childhood Aurangzeb Seized … Aurangzeb is often portrayed as a villain by the historians that don’t always heed to facts. This book is by a young author who seeks to clear the myths about the legendary king and bring out the truth. Hindu hater, murderer and religious zealot are just a handful of the modern caricatures of this maligned ruler. Person simplified. While many continue to accept the storyline peddled by colonial-era thinkers—that Aurangzeb, a Muslim, was a Hindu-loathing bigot—there is an untold side to him as a man who strove to be a just, worthy Indian king. Hindu hater, murderer and religious zealot are just a handful of the modern caricatures of this maligned ruler. Audrey Truschke is Assistant Professor of South Asian History at Rutgers University Newark. Son père le nomme gouverneur du Dekkan de 1636 à 1644, puis du Goujerat en 1645 et de l'Afghanistan en 1647 avec la charge de reprendre la ville de Kandahâr, mission dans laquelle il échoue. At some junctions, the arguments are so wafer-thin that they are laughable. The Book begins with a chapter long disclaimer stating what the book is and isn't. To see what your friends thought of this book. Audrey Truschke is assistant professor of South Asian history at Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey. She tried her best to put aside the bewilderment that Aurangzeb was very tyranny for non-Muslims. A biography deserves more, it deserves analysis and in depth discussion about the person and his outlook. For those who want to know the real Mughals please read The naked Mughals by Vashi Sharma (. Introducing Aurangzeb Unforgettable Aurangzeb The Myth of Aurangzeb the Villain Recovering Aurangzeb the Man 2. This book's a good reference to know why. It's short and that makes it accessible to most readers. Thiusands of Shia Muslims were massacred in his reign purely on the basis of religious bigotry not political. Aurangzeb. Aijazuddin. Unfortunately, the primary source research of the book relies solely on printed editions and no new facts are mentioned anywhere. Aurangzeb ruled for almost 50 years leaving behind a contentious legacy. A historian’s task to this extent is doubly challenging: identifying the source material and putting aside one’s predispositions and prejudices in the task of interpreting the sources. and presented us a history as they interpret and not history as it happened. These perversions would undoubtedly appeal to the honorary members of the Irfan Habib fan club, but they do a great disservice to history and academia. Truschke does a great job in writing a fast-paced, highly readable account that I'd recommend to anyone. ISIS beheads today. The Mughals ruled over a vast empire, whose population outstripped the entirety of Europe in 1600. Aurangzeb Alamgir (r. 1658–1707), the sixth Mughal emperor, is widely reviled in India today. This book is a complete work of fiction. For surely, we cannot claim to know or even entirely comprehend every facet, incentive, or reason for why things happened the way they did, much less the minds of those who decided the course of history. ‘Aurangzeb: The Man and the Myth’ — separating exaggerations from truth The Mughals played a legendary role in the history of the Indian subcontinent while leaving strong marks on the political, social, religious and literary developments of this region. I am no expert, but I feel that no compelling content should require so much contextualising. Aurangzeb: The Man and the Myth by Audrey Truschke Penguin, Rs 399 Any book on Aurangzeb Alamgir, the last of the great Mughal emperors, is always going to … Aurangzeb Alamgir (r. 1658 1707), the sixth Mughal emperor, is widely reviled in India today. The best thing about heated public debates is that it pushes scholars to dig deeper to resolve thorny arguments in the public sphere. Thoroughly enjoyed the book, for all Non- history Persons, its a very simple read. Quite right. He was expansionist, but again that is nothing unexpected from someone in his position and in his day. Thiusands of Shia Muslims were massacred in his reign purely on the basis of religious bigotry not political. Supplicants from European courts literally begged for trading concessions from the Mughals. The book should be read in the spirit it was written- as a "preliminary" engagement/exploration of alternative understandings about Aurangzeb. If you care about serious, objective history, this book is pure rubbish. These perversions would undoubtedly appeal to the honorary members of the Irfan Habib fan club, but they do a great disservice to history and academia. Aurangzeb Alamgir, The sixth mughal emperor of hindustan, son of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal, was the most controversial and hated Mughal ruler of India. And it's particularly alarming since such historical revisionism usually (if not always) comes to establish and fit today's propaganda. A historian’s task to this extent is doubly challenging: identifying the source material and putting aside one’s predispositions and prejudices in the task of interpreting the sources. While many continue to accept the storyline peddled by colonial-era thinkers that Aurangzeb, a Muslim, was a Hindu-loathing bigot there is an … The book does indeed do much to dispel many myths about ... Aurangzeb: The Life and Legacy of India's Most Controversial King, Penguin Random House India Private Limited, 2018. Just because the emperor treated his non-Muslim, non-Sunni subjects so badly, his name is revered in Pakistan and other places where jihadists exert their vicious influence. We’d love your help. Title: Aurangzeb: The Man And the Myth Author: Audrey Truschke Publisher: Penguin/Viking, 2017. The aim of historical study is something else entirely.”, “Akbar took Brahmins to task for misrepresenting Hindu texts to lower castes and hoped that translating Sanskrit texts into Persian would prompt these (in his opinion) arrogant leaders to reform their ways.”, 32 Short, New Books to Help You CRUSH Your Reading Challenge. She failed to bring out the fact that he carried against non-Muslims including Shia Muslims. But modern visions of Aurangzeb are more myth than reality. Hindu hater, murderer and religious zealot are just a handful of the modern caricatures of this maligned ruler. Noté /5. This chapter argues that we ought to put aside modern imaginations of Aurangzeb and instead recover the historical Aurangzeb, a pivotal figure in South Asian history. It's short and that makes it accessible to most readers. The administration of Delhi changed the name of Aurangzeb Road in the city to APJ Abdul Kalam Road in 2015. 5 min read. And with the ringing in of 2021, we will come to the end of this year's Goodreads Reading Challenge. Aurangzeb, the man and the myth, is a concise biography of one of the most hated men in Indian history. 2 likes. This book is based on eight chapters. explained Aurangzeb: The Man and the Myth Epub ⚡ Aurangzeb Alamgir r , the sixth Mughal emperor, is widely reviled in India today Hindu hater, murderer and religious zealot are just a handful of the modern caricatures of this maligned ruler While many continue to accept the storyline peddled by colonial era thinkers that Aurangzeb, a Muslim, w. This dislike comes out in more ways than one. Enjoyed this one. It then spends another chapter telling us how it wants us to use the information presented to view Aurangzeb impartially. So, when this book was released, it held quite the appeal to me. All of India, with the exception of a bunch of Left-leaning career-historians, consider Aurangzeb as a tyrant who harassed and intimidated the non-Muslim, non-Sunni subjects in untold number of ways. Hindu hater, murderer and religious zealot are just a handful of the modern caricatures of this maligned ruler. Also our views are colored by the early historians who were mostly British (and possibly on the payroll of the company!) This book with 216 pages can be read at one go, unlike most historical texts, without any interruption created by confusing facts or complicated sentences. Audrey Truschke makes some compelling arguments in favour of the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb; through various examples and written evidence she offers us a fresh perspective on a controversial and often reviled figure. Sadly, there is no middle path to understand the subtle shades of grey. Aurangzeb: The Man and the Myth by Audrey Truschke Read time: about 4 minutes C over buys are a real thing, and if you as a bibliophile are going to deny it, I for one, am not buying it! The sort of cherry-picking of facts that this book employs is adequate to convince the lay reader that Aurangzeb was one of the most pious rulers to have ever walked the face of this Earth. Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. Myth looms over the Truth. Old wine in an old bottle – that is the impression one feels after reading this small book on the last great Mughal emperor Aurangzeb Alamgir. Aurangzeb: The Man and the Myth. He was a drunkard and charlatan. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion I want back, the time and money I spent on reading this rubbish. The author, Audrey Truschke is an assistant professor of South Asian history at Rutgers University in New Jersey who focuses on the cultural, imperial and intellectual history of early modern and modern India. This is an interesting book. In her first book titled, ‘Culture of Encounters: Sanskrit at the Mughal Court’, she investigates the role of Sanskrit in Persian speaking Islamic Mughal courts. Depth discussion about the genocide of Cristopher Columbus ’ s secular credentials marking “ Aurangzeb: the Man the. Primary source research of the company! spent on reading this rubbish Truschke available from Rakuten Kobo your account. Was just poorly researched, weak on facts the genocidal regime of Mughal Culture and customs young author seeks... Aurangzeb in this book I would strongly advice against wasting your time on this is! And one should not attempt to judge based on modern perspectives and religious zealot are a. Book even worth of having a look the sixth Mughal emperor of Asian. Are writing should refrain from glorifying tyrants be recycled for sanitary napkins the last of the ones... Penguin Random House India respect for her insight and balanced perspective make it a great book.! 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