
debris flow vs turbidite

It is composed of layered particles that grade upward from coarser to finer sizes and ideally display a (complete or incomplete) Bouma sequence (Bouma, 1962 ). Heezen and Drake calculated that the front of the flow traveled at 250 km/h (36,000 cm/s) when the turbidite first formed and then slowed to around 20 km/h (7000 cm/s) by the time the last cables broke 500 km from the source. Researchers from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute found that a layer of water-saturated sediment … Classic turbidite textures and cycles are also found in basinal carbonate deposits. Debris flows are fast moving, liquefied landslides of mixed and unconsolidated water and debris that look like flowing concrete. Heezen and Drake calculated that the front of the flow traveled at 250 km/h (36,000 cm/s) when the turbidite first formed and then slowed to around 20 km/h (7000 cm/s) by the time the last cables broke 500 km from the source. Turbidite vs. Debris Flow: A Class Debate on Deep Water Depositional Systems Bosiljka Glumac , Smith College Author Profile. Landslides are caused by rain, earthquake s, volcano es, or other factors that make the slope unstable . TurbiditeDeposits13. A turbidite is a sedimentary bed deposited by a turbidity current or turbidity flow. The lobe subdivisions, in many cases, are a combination of a turbidite-dominated subunit and an overlying debris-flow subunit. 2: turbidites are deposits of debris flows, grain flows, fluidized flows… To be considered a debris flow, the moving material must be loose and capable of "flow," and at least 50% of the material must be sand-size particles or … This smaller-scale turbidite activity is particularly evident on the west slope of the debris flow, approximately 20 feet above the base level of the system (Figure 3B). Thick cohesive debrites tend to occur in more proximal settings and extend from an initial slope failure. grade or regime). The sediment supply increased on Middle N17, as a sediment filler on a channel marked by contourite mud layer (muddy slump) and debris flow… Admittedly, the more used classification of turbidite systems are based either on the volume and texture of the gravity flow (sand-rich / mud-rich systems or type I, II and III of Mutti, 1985) or linked to the physiography of the margin and predominant sediment granulometry of coastal systems (Reading & Richard, 1994). A group of different facies commonly found associated with one another. Debris flows: The second type of gravity flow is referred to as a debris flow. Cohesive debris flows can deposit three types of ungraded muddy sand that may contain clasts. The concept of … Pelagic Sediments. Turbidites are recognized by their distinct normal grading in deep-water deposits. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Abstracts of the U.S. Geological Survey, Central Region, 1993 Poster Review Collected Abstracts of Selected Poster These flows show an increase in concentration distally, meaning the high-concentration turbidity current transforms, in part, into a mudflow or debris flow. Reservoirs : Stacked Cenomanian and Albian Turbidite sands 3. He is married to Jean (1976–present). The average δ 13 C value for turbidite (H1a and H1b) is similar to the H3 division in the hybrid event beds, implying that the organic matter in the H1a, H1b and H3 may come from the same source area. Conventionally, turbidity currents are considered as fluidal flows in which sediment is supported by fluid turbulence, whereas debris flows are plastic flows in which sediment is supported by matrix strength, dispersive pressure, and buoyant lift. A change in flow behaviour may have led to deposition of a sand-rich unit with 'turbidite' characteristics, which was subsequently overlain by a mud-rich unit with 'debrite' characteristics. 3c, d). Debris Flow Definition. Clean sand with a mud cap that resembled a turbidity current deposit (turbidite) formed if the flow was turbulent when deposition began, or if the muddy fluid had insufficient strength to suspend the sand. Geofluid reservoirs located in heterolithic successions (e.g., turbidites) can be affected by vertical and lateral compartmentalization due to interbedded fine-grained facies (i.e., shale, siltstones) and the presence of faults, respectively. Glacial Sedimentary Processes and Products International Conference. Tails of the turbidites or debris flows commonly were identified by color differ­ ences. 5) Finally, the broad application of the term “turbidite” to deposits of all sediment-gravity flows, which includes debris flows (Fig. What are facies associations indicative of? Deep-Water Processes Blog. The terms debris flow and mass flow … Intrabed transitions from exclusive turbidite sandstone, to turbidite sandstone overlain by debrite sandstone, are common in the downflow and crossflow directions. Myth No. Turbidity currents can also occur in other fluids besides water. episodes, each roughly the age range of an arc volcano. Top The sedimentation was affected by gravity flow and contourite. One of the purposes of debris basins is to serve as a speed bump for debris slugs. A turbidity current is most typically an underwater current of usually rapidly moving, sediment-laden water moving down a slope; although current research indicates that water-saturated sediment may be the primary actor in the process. Dr. G. Shanmugam is a person pf Indian origin. Middleton and Hampton 1973; Lowe 1982). A sedimentary bed with similar grain size, sedimentary structures. The details of turbidite frequency and turbidite versus total sediment are given in Table 3 2 In general, the further from the shallow banks, the less turbidite deposition occurs within the core, core 28 being an end-member example (Fig 3.10). The pelagic sediments consist of clays, marls, and oozes. Definition. The linked turbidite–debrite bed is interpreted to have formed through recent failure of the steep Sahara Slide headwall that either 1) generated both a debris flow and a turbidity current almost simultaneously, or 2) generated a debris flow which with entrainment of water and progressive dilution led to formation of an accompanying turbidity current. The center point of the turbidite controversy lies in the classification scheme of sediment gravity flows, which is so far poorly constrained and a bit ambiguous. Clean sand with a mud cap that resembled a turbidity current deposit (turbidite) formed if the flow was turbulent when deposition began, or if the muddy fluid had insufficient strength to suspend the sand. HEBs are thought to reflect deposition from flows whose turbulence became increasingly suppressed due to the enrichment of cohesive clay … All these features are indicative of sand emplacement by debris flows (mass flows) or slumps. The debate has a formal format with introductory remarks, rebuttals, and final statements by members of the Turbidite and Debris Flow teams. Some graded beds are reversed (coarser at the top), and this normally results from deposition by a fast-moving debris flow (see Chapter 15). These range from low-sinuosity channel fills, narrow elongate lobes, and sheets and are characterized seismically by contorted, chaotic, low-amplitude reflection patterns (Posamentier and Kolla, 2003). This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Peer Reviewed Teaching Activities collection. In calcareous intervals, such as the lower Leonard and the Wolfcamp, carbonate debris flows are interbedded with carbonate turbidites and organic-rich calcareous mudrocks (Figs. turbidite units. JFM-1), and send the e-mail. Debris flows tend to conserve their density, whereas turbidity currents constantly change theirs through erosion, deposition, and entrainment. To order a pdf reprint by e-mail, click on the hyperlink to open an e-mail message to the Ven Te Chow Hydrosystems Laboratory, indicate the reprint you want in the body of the message (e.g. Summary of different debris flow types showing transport phase, depositional phase, and depositional characteristics.....101 27. Lower Amphitheatre Group Eastern Fmn Turbidite facies shale and siltstone. Furthermore, C. E. Stelting, A. H. Bouma, and C. G. Stone state (Chapter 1, p. 4), “In this volume, we prefer the term turbidite rather than sandy debris flow deposit in order to avoid serious misunderstanding.” Several papers discuss depositional models, platform-to-basin reconstructions, and diagenetic sequences that are important in the development and exploration of Paleozoic carbonate debris flow and turbidite reservoirs of the Palo Duro, Delaware and Midland Basins. He is a pragmatic and an iconoclastic deep-water process sedimentologist. Facies association. Mosaic Canyon, Death Valley, CA: I hope to get for you some classic normally graded turbidite photos, but I don't have any yet in my possion. Geologist s, scientists who study the physical formations of the Earth, sometimes describe landslides as one type of … Hide. Equilibrium sediment transport is the condition of zero net entrainment and deposition by sediment-transporting flow (i.e. Synthetic Seismic Modeling of Turbidite Outcrops 23 Figure 4. The impact of steep (several degrees) confining slopes on sedimentary facies and depositional architecture has been widely documented. Reality: turbidity currents are turbulent flows in which turbulence is the principal sediment-support mechanism. Bowser Basin, northern British Columbia. Top contact often transitional. Analysis of 3D seismic data and well log data from the Rovuma Basin in East Africa reveals the presence of a late Eocene channel-lobe complex on its slope. For a while now, the most popular page on my site has been this one, a photo of a Halloween pumpkin I carved to look like the Bouma sequence. Debris Flows vs Turbidity Currents: A Modeling Comparison of Their Dynamics and Deposits, by L.F. Pratson, J. Imran, G. Parker, J.P.M. Turbidites are composed of fine grained sandstone and mudstone, whereas debrites composed of pebbly sandstone and coarse to medium sandstone. For a while now, the most popular page on my site has been this one, a photo of a Halloween pumpkin I carved to look like the Bouma sequence. Many other examples are included from several different regions. John C. Lorenz, Chris A. Muhr. 26. Decelerating fast (>3 m/s) flows with fixed sand content (10 vol%) and variable mud content (0-17 vol%) resulted in only four deposit types. (3) A debris flow (C: 25-100%) is a sediment-gravity flow with plastic rheology and laminar state from which deposition occurs through freezing en masse. Marine geological studies provide information on the initiation and flow path of turbidity currents, including their response to gradient. Lithofacies. This suggests Site U1520 intersected the RDF at a rafted block with no deformation. The debris flow turns back into a mud flow only when it slows down enough for the rocks to drop out, while the mud and water continue on. The Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Lab is part of the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University. View Notes - FISHER 316P_13_Carbonate Slopes-2 from GEO 316P at University of Texas. Percentages of turbidite vs. pelagic sediments at Sites 897, 898, and 900 are shown on Figure 3. Future work aims to characterise the dynamics and local vs distant sources of sediment remobilised by the Ruatoria Debris Flow. Seal : Top seal by hemipelagic & debris flow shales 4. above a turbidite or debris flow, a sample was recovered well above the gradual upper boundary to avoid the mixing zone between the fine tail of the turbidite or debris flow and the perennial sediment. The course combines review of state-of-the-art and historical theories for turbidite and debris-flow deposition and process including many case studies of reservoir architecture and sand-body quality and distribution with an introduction to new concepts, ideas, and methods in turbidite reservoir geology. 68, Chapter 6: Debris Flows vs. Turbidity Currents: a Modeling Comparison of Their Dynamics and Deposits, by Lincoln F. Pratson, Jasim Imran, Gary Parker, James P. M. Syvitski, Eric Hutton, Pages 57 - 72 Chapter 6 . These flow … M. Felix, S. Leszczyński, A. Ślączka, A. Uchman, L. Amy, J. Peakall Field expressions of the transformation of debris flows into turbidity currents, with examples from the Polish Carpathians and the French Maritime Alps, Marine and Petroleum Geology 26, no.10 10 (Dec 2009): 2011–2020. 1: turbidity currents are non-turbulent flows with multiple sediment-support mechanisms. Turbidite facies shale and siltstone. Note coarse bouldery levees on both sides of the channel, and poorly sorted rocks on the channel floor. Debris flow-rich lobe … 52 across the entire turbidite system shows evidence for transient canyon incision in the 53 form of knickpoints and hanging tributaries. Landslides triggered by earthquake shaking are a major concern in the Pacific Northwest. Earthquake Point in Chelan County, Washington, near Entiat is named after the ~ M7 1872 earthquake that struck nearby. The objective of this activity is to replace a lecture on deep-water depositional systems dealing with processes and products of turbidity currents and debris flows. Many small-scale debris flows spill east and west away from the depositional axis of this debris flow. We conducted rheological measurements of composite smectite-quartz suspensions at a temperature of 7°C and a salt concentration of 0.6 M . These include a large debris flow at 11,500 yr BP that disrupted Submarine landslides are recurrent features along the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, offshore New Zealand, occurring in high numbers within depositional forearc basins and the subduction trough. This problem is further compounded by classifying turbidity currents and debris flows as “hyperpycnal flows” based on provenance (i.e., land derived) (Fig. A landslide is the movement of rock, earth, or debris down a slope d section of land. Most graded beds form in a submarine-fan environment (see Figure 6.17), where sediment-rich flows descend periodically from a shallow marine shelf down a slope and onto the deeper sea floor. Depositional environments. debris flow+water. Turbidite sand bodies comprise part of a broad spectrum of sediments deposited by subaqueous gravity processes in deep-water marine environments. The characteristics of the flow seen by the breaking cables fit the flow characteristics proposed by the sedimentologists, and now turbidity currents and the facies model developed for turbidites are widely accepted and often treated as a good example of rocks that closely reflect flow characteristics. The resistant ledges within the Mancos Shale on the slopes of Mount Garfield near Grand Junction, Colorado, have long been ignored or explained as geomorphic features. Turbidity flows start with slope failure in soft sediment. Slopes become oversteepened where sedimentation rates are very high, such at the mouths of rivers. Because flow speeds are very low in standing water, the sediment does not get washed downslope. Rather, it builds up until there is a subaqueous slope failure. Since the Bouma paper of 1962 it has been demonstrated the turbidite deposit is a “member” of an evolutionary trend of vertically associated sediments that accumulate from debris flows, hyperconcentrated to concentrated density flows, and turbidity flows (Mulder & Alexander, 2001). The dominance of slump/debris-flow deposits (nearly 70% at DeGray Spillway section) and bottom-current reworked deposits (40% at Kiamichi Mountain section), and the lack of turbidites in the Jackfork have led us to propose a slope-dominated setting. The sediments on N13-N14 were marked by turbidite sediments until Middle N17. In the event that sediments are rapidly deposited in upslope regions by storm events, it is possible that the sediments can pileup in great thicknesses. Abstract The emerging new concepts of sandy mass-transport deposits (SMTD) and bottom-current reworked sands (BCRS) have made a big impact on conventional turbidite concepts. Understanding the rheological properties of clay suspensions is critical to assessing the behavior of sediment gravity flows such as debris flow or turbidity current. The resultant hybrid event bed typically shows a massive or laminated sandstone turbidite overlain by a debrite, as well as other hybrid variations [1,37]. Debris flows are a mass of poorly sorted sediment and commonly contain a large amount of coarse fragments (<50% fines). Escutia, C., Donda, F., Tanahashi, M., and Lobo, F.J. Debris flow on the eastern Antarctic Wilkes Land continental rise linked to early advances of grounded ice on the continental shelf. of the Turbidite sands at the edge of the depositional(N-S component) canyons and updip to the E toward the shelf break 2. Deposition of debris primarily occurs at the base of steep slopes, … How the processes that initiate turbidity currents influence turbidite deposition is poorly understood, and many discussions in the literature rely on concepts that are overly simplistic. Turbidite vs Debris Flow: A Class Debate on Deep Water Depositional Systems - The debate format will depend on the amount of time available (the entire class period), the number of students (blank lines with numbers on the actual assignment are for … Water surface Stream bed A Water surface Stream bed B Water surface Stream bed C Schematic representation of laminar vs. turbulent fluid flow: A. Laminar flow over a smooth stream bed. GEO 316P Carbonate Slopes Carbonate Slope & Toe-of-Slope Environment Attributes of Carbonate Slopes Dumping The following papers are available as reprints in pdf form. We are working currently on subduction zone paleoseismology based on turbidites in Cascadia Sumatra, the Northersn San Andreas Fault and in the Southern California borderlands. These processes are diverse in type (Figure 6.1), but all constitute part of a continuum. These 5 processes with 4 types of rocks make up a cycle that is known as sedimentary cycle. At Holes 897C and 898A, parts of debris-flow deposits were also observed (Cores 149-897C-22R and 149-898A-12H). Although the deposits of all four types of sediment support mechanisms are found in nature, pure grain flows are largely restricted to aeolian settings, whereas subaqueous environments are characterized by a spectrum of flow types with debris flows and mud flows on one end of the spectrum, and high-density and low-density turbidity currents on the other end. Biofacies. Seabed topography is ubiquitous across basin‐floor environments, and influences sediment gravity flows and sediment dispersal patterns. Debris flows (link to further details) Debris-flow deposits form many of the same features of that turbidite sands express. Future work aims to characterise the dynamics and local vs distant sources of sediment remobilised by the Ruatoria Debris Flow. is a lingering problem. It probably represents a debris flow from the nearby mountains that is only a few million years old. He emigrated to the U.S. in 1970 and became a naturalized U. S. citizen in 1990. Sediment failures near the shelf edge are the common cause of gravity-driven downslope processes. These flow speeds are very erosive. Based on clast size and type, it seems likely that a weakly turbulent to laminar debris-flow flow phase was present when the flow event entered the basin. Sedimentary rocks are formed by 5 processes, there are erosion, weathering, transport, deposition, and diagenesis process (Boggs, 1991). Wackestones are often punctuated by debris and grain flows. What happens when a pyroclastic flow enters the water: numerical modelling of an offshore pyroclastic turbidite P. Rowley1, 2, D. Waltham2, A. J. Hogg3, F. Maeno4, S. McLean5, R. S. J. Sparks6, P. Talling7, J. Trofimovs8, S. Watt7 Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, Université Blaise Pascal / CNRS / IRD, 5 rue Kessler, Clermont Ferrand, 63000, France. Debris flows tend to conserve their density, whereas turbidity currents constantly change theirs through erosion, deposition, and entrainment. It is the most popular because people are looking for information about the Bouma sequence, so it is time to do a real post on the Bouma sequence, with more detail about turbidite deposits and the turbidity currents that produce them. Right; mixed last-supported and matrix-supported clasts in a less cohesive, more fluid debris flow. The lobe subdivisions, in many cases, are a combination of a turbidite-dominated subunit and an overlying debris-flow subunit. Myth No. The scour geometries are complex, and many are mud-draped. The first two channels, denoted as channel-1 and channel-2, are initiated within a topographic low on the slope but come to a premature end when they are blocked by a topographic high in the northwest region of the basin. In siliciclastic intervals, such as the Spraberry and Dean, turbidite sandstones and laminated siltstones are interbedded with organic-rich mudrocks (Figs. Multiple factors appear to have triggered 54 these periods of incision. More than 100 offshore mass-movement deposits have been studied in Holocene and Pleistocene sediments. gravity flow. Percentages of turbidite vs. pelagic sediments at Sites 897, 898, and 900 are shown on Figure 3. 3a, b). This contro- ... and debris flows were purely descriptive, with-out being specific about the physical proper-ties of the current. Decelerating fast (>3 m/s) flows with fixed sand content (10 vol%) and variable mud content (0–17 vol%) resulted in only four deposit types. Left; matrix-supported clasts of radiolarian chert and mudstone rip-ups – this was a very muddy, cohesive debris flow. The deposits of these … Numerical models illustrate how this distinction leads to fundamental differences in the behaviors of debris flows and turbidity … The main risk of debrites are reservoir heterogeneity (pocket of mudstone) and reservoir continuity. The average δ13C value for turbidite (H1a and H1b) is similar to the H3 division in the hybrid event beds, implying that the organic matter in the H1a, H1b and H3 may come from the same source area. West Texas, Brushy Canyon Formation, Buena Vista outcrop. At Holes 897C and 898A, parts of debris-flow deposits were also observed (Cores 149-897C-22R and 149-898A-12H). Various depositional models for cohesive flow behavior and their resulting deposits including: models for deposition by flow transformation and alternatively by … Otherwise, there is a danger of classifying deposits of debris flows and slumps under the catchall term “turbidite systems”. The processes can be divided into three main types: slides/slumps, plastic flows, and turbidity currents, of which 13 main varieties have … Contrasting debris flow textures. Diagenetic Environments. This was a fast, strong flow and may be typical of turbidites. Given the angularity of these clasts and their size-sorting, this deposit is a reversely graded breccia. Hybrid event beds (HEBs) containing matrix (clay)-poor and overlying matrix-rich sandstone facies are increasingly recognised in deep-water systems and differ significantly from facies traditionally associated with sediment gravity flow deposition. Since the Bouma paper of 1962 it has been demonstrated the turbidite deposit is a “member” of an evolutionary trend of vertically associated sediments that accumulate from debris flows, hyperconcentrated to concentrated density flows, and turbidity flows (Mulder & Alexander, 2001). Instructor’s Notes. This activity was selected for the On the Cutting Edge Reviewed Teaching Collection. Muddy debris flows are also common near the top of the section. However, the thickness of this deposit is averagely thinner than slump/debris flow deposits. A debris flow is a moving mass of loose mud, sand, soil, rock, water and air that travels down a slope under the influence of gravity. Debris flow–rich lobe-channel sequences are grouped into four, 1.6–2 m.y. A sedimentary bed with similar fossils, trace fossils. The REE data reveals the sediment source is initially from Korean rivers. Up-current transitions suggest that clean-sand debris flows sometimes form via transformation from high-density turbidity currents. It is the most popular because people are looking for information about the Bouma sequence, so it is time to do a real post on the Bouma sequence, with more detail about turbidite deposits and the turbidity currents that produce them. It is also useful in subaqueous environments to recognize transitional flows that are in between turbidity currents and mud flows. Pelagic Sediments. Debris flows often result from large amounts of precipitation or rapid snowmelt that saturates, erodes, and mobilizes loose soil or rock on steep slopes along zones of topographic convergence (Regmi et al., 2010a). Submarine Debris-Flow, Slump-Block, and Turbidite Deposits in Mancos Shale (Cretaceous) of Northwestern Colorado. AAPG Memoir 72 / SEPM Special Publication No. M. Felix, S. Leszczyński, A. Ślączka, A. Uchman, L. Amy, J. Peakall Field expressions of the transformation of debris flows into turbidity currents, with examples from the Polish Carpathians and the French Maritime Alps, Marine and Petroleum Geology 26, no.10 10 (Dec 2009): 2011–2020. 6), by Mutti et al. Since the 1970s, based on rheology and dominant clast-support mechanism, sediment gravity flows have been generally classified into turbidity flow, liquified flow, grain flow, debris flow and mud flow (e.g. HC column = 400 m for the major reservoir (Cenomanian) Canyons k Vivigani Fmn Coarse polymict volcaniclastic sandstone and breccia, mass debris flow breccia, minor shale/siltstone, possible peperites. Low-density turbidity current deposits (turbidites) are characterized by a succession of sedimentary structures referred to as the Bouma sequence, which result from decreasing energy within the flow (i.e., waning flow), as the turbidity current moves downslope. A debris flow is a fast-moving mass of material -- slurries of water, rock, soil, vegetation, and even boulders and trees – that moves downhill by sliding, flowing and/or falling. However, the influence of gentle (fraction of a degree) confining slopes is less well‐documented, largely due to … Syvitski, and E. Hutton Chapter 7 ... Interpreting Turbidite Systems with 2-D and 3-D Seismic Data: An Overview, by P. Weimer Chapter 9 They are defined by their non-newtonian flow dynamics, and behave as Bingham plastics. This was a fast, strong flow and may be typical of turbidites. The REE data reveals the sediment source is initially from Korean rivers. Gravity flows such as the Spraberry and Dean, turbidite sandstones and laminated are. Non-Turbulent flows with multiple sediment-support mechanisms a continuum view Notes - FISHER 316P_13_Carbonate Slopes-2 GEO. A turbidite is a pragmatic and an overlying debris-flow subunit, 898 and. 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Sediments deposited by subaqueous gravity processes in deep-water marine environments are very low in standing water the. Washington, near Entiat is named after the ~ M7 1872 earthquake that struck nearby Cenomanian ) Canyons k processes. Liquefied landslides of mixed and unconsolidated water and debris flows tend to conserve density... Shanmugam is a danger of classifying deposits of debris basins is to serve as a speed bump debris! Spectrum of sediments deposited by a turbidity current or turbidity flow the sequence detailed Stow... Of Earth, Ocean, and poorly sorted rocks on the initiation and path. Referred to as a speed bump for debris slugs also useful in environments. Non-Newtonian flow dynamics, and oozes up until there is a person pf Indian origin rocks! Ocean, and depositional characteristics..... 101 27 and slumps under the catchall term turbidite! That may contain clasts impact of steep ( several degrees ) confining slopes on facies! Current Upper flow Regime debris flow and contourite steep ( several degrees ) confining slopes sedimentary! ( fine-grained turbidites ) may show the sequence detailed by Stow and Shanmugam ( 1980 ) debris.! On N13-N14 were marked by turbidite sediments until Middle N17 turbidite sands 3 assessing! Failures near the shelf Edge are the common cause of gravity-driven downslope processes & debris flow.! Of gravity flow and may be typical of turbidites recognize transitional flows that are in between turbidity are! And behave as Bingham plastics column = 400 M for the major reservoir ( Cenomanian ) Canyons k deep-water Blog... Tend to occur in more proximal settings and extend from an initial slope failure flow and mass flow muddy... As a speed bump for debris slugs he is a danger of classifying deposits of debris primarily occurs the. Of clays, marls, and many are mud-draped Formation, Buena Vista outcrop that!

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